A Couple of Joanna Wang Songs

Feb 25, 2010 16:04

I realize that this woman is an amazing singer (the kind of voice all of the girls on "American Idol" seemed to be trying to imitate this week), but every time I try listening to her, I get distracted for some reason.  If you've never heard of her for some reason, here's her version of "Vincent," which is a song that's been around for a while and is about Vincent van Gogh:

image Click to view

I haven't uploaded this song, but the songs I've uploaded are just for sampling purposes anyways, since Joanna Wang's albums/songs are so easily available on YesAsia or Amazon MP3.

玫瑰玫瑰我爱你 (Rose, Rose, I Love You) - Originally sung by Yao Li
I Love You - English lyrics set to the tune of David Tao's "爱很简单"

I finally got fed up with CA AntiVirus and bought Norton today.  I only used CA because it was free, but it kept finding "problems" and wouldn't fix them.  The firewall was also incredibly annoying.  That's $40, though, that I had to spend on something that I was hoping I wouldn't have to spend it on and I wish I'd been able to spend on something that would give more enjoyment than an antivirus.

song download, joanna wang

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