A Couple of Mrs. This Translations

Jan 25, 2010 15:16

Bu Shi Bu Xiang Nian
It’s Not That I Don’t Miss You

wei shen me zong shi shi mian
Why am I always losing sleep?

wei shen me si xu piao dao tian bian
Why does my train of thought keep floating to the horizon?

wei shen me you lv yi yi shi xian
Why are my worries fulfilled one by one?

wei shen me wo zong chou zhe lian
Why do I look so unhappy?

All right, all right,
Just say “hi.”
All right all right,
I’ll be fine.

我不是不想念 没什么的你我间
wo bu shi bu xiang nian mei shen me de ni wo jian
It’s not that I don’t miss you, there’s nothing between us.

我不是不想念 无忧无虑的夏天
wo bu shi bu xiang nian wu you wu lv de xia tian
It’s not that I don’t miss you in this carefree summer.

我不是不想念 用力的看你的脸
wo bu shi bu xiang nian yong li de kan ni de lian
It’s not that I don’t miss you, forcing myself to look at your face.

我不是不想念 好想再见你一面
wo bu shi bu xiang nian hao xiang zai jian ni yi mian
It’s not that I don’t miss you, I’d really like to see you again.

Ke Bu Ke Neng
Could It Be?

ke bu ke neng zai ni de hui yi li mei you wo
Could it be that I don’t exist in your memory?

ke bu ke neng cong ni de ji yi li qu diao wo
Could it be that you’ve erased me from your remembrances?

ke bu ke neng ri chu ri luo wo yi jiu wen rou
Could it be that from sunrise to sunset I’m still gentle?

ke bu ke neng wu sheng wu xi tian bu suo you que kou
Could it be that without warning you’ve filled up the hole?

ke bu ke neng dai zhe yi duo hua er zou xiang wo (xiang qian zou)
Could it be that you’re carrying a flower towards me?  (You keep coming.)

ke bu ke neng tian kong chu xian le yi dao cai hong
Could it be that a rainbow is appearing in the sky?

ke bu ke neng cong ci an an jing jing de sheng huo
Could it be that from now on, we’ll live peacefully?

ke bu ke neng na han wo jiu kuai yao neng gou cheng shou
Could it be that once I cheer, it’ll soon turn into suffering?

等不到理由 找不到出口
deng bu dao li you zhao bu dao chu kou
I can’t wait for freedom, I can’t find a way out.

ba wo de ming tian huan gei wo
Give me back my tomorrow.

什么都不说 你懦弱 (洒脱)地放手
shen me dou bu shuo ni nuo ruo (sa tuo) de fang shou
Saying nothing, you cowardly (freely) let go,

di zhe tou fang fu yi pai qing song
You bend your head as if completely relaxed.

等不到理由 找不到出口
deng bu dao li you zhao bu dao chu kou
I can’t wait for freedom, I can’t find a way out.

mei shen me di fang zhi de ting liu
There’s no place worth stopping at.

不如带我走 不如就带我走
bu ru dai wo zou bu ru jiu dai wo zou
It’d be better to take me away, it’d be better to just take me away.

mei li bu cun zai o o o
Beauty doesn’t exist, oh, oh, oh.

The first song is from "Who?" and the second song is from their newest album "Am I Still Not Good Enough?" 

mrs. this, translation

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