Pre-order is up for sodagreen's new album!

Sep 02, 2009 09:02

Just a quick FYI:  I noticed this today.  "Summer/Fever" is sodagreen's new album.  (For more info on the theme, go to the "sodagreen" tag, since I wrote a little about it when I posted the last album.)  I can't actually listen to this yet (in class), but here's their first single for this Brit-rock-influenced album:

image Click to view

I have to say, I didn't recognize them at first.  They looked different (older) on the album cover, and Qingfeng's hair is now green.  The album is due out the 11th, and, yes, this is their second album for the year!  Hope this doesn't go badly for them, especially considering the albums that are coming out right now (e.g. David Tao and Khalil Fong's albums, and also LeeHom Wang's live album, which I really, REALLY want).

Edit:  I listened just now, and it's definitely different from their last album, which was a lot softer.  This should be a good album.  If, like me, you were still left with a longing for something faster like "暂时失控" after their last album, this should satisfy.

sodagreen, indie, rock

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