Quick Jay News

Aug 24, 2009 16:26

This is going to be a short post, hopefully, on what Jay's up to:

Jay's going to be in America for a quite a while for the filming of "Green Hornet."  There are worries about his tenth album, as Jay has released an album every year since he's entered the business.  Jay already has plenty of songs written, but the problem is going to be recording them.  It seems likely at this point that if he does release an album this year, he'll have to record it overseas (meaning in the US).  He also says he'd attend GMA even if he didn't release an album, but this from the man who has snubbed GMA the past few years when he actually did win awards?  I wouldn't count on that.  (I'm also very worried about him rushing through recording an album in the US!  Last year's album was pretty bad by Jay Chou standards, and he's not going to do better if he rushes through the next one.)

Jay finds America very boring, since he's taking classes here.  He has to work on speaking English, driving, and working on his martial arts.  He's also gained weight, but according to his claims, it's muscle.  (We all hope it's muscle, too, because his face has gotten a bit chubbier not too long ago.)  As for the boredom, I can't blame him.  I take classes in the US, too. XD

We all know Jay isn't good with English, but I'd like to share the one phrase he's shown off:  "What the hell?!"  I'm certain now that foreigners have noticed this phrase in WAY too many American shows/movies.

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green hornet, jay chou, gilded mediocrity awards

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