Ooh, pretty pictures! Can't resist pretty pictures!

Jul 01, 2009 19:52

Don't miss the video clips I posted here.  I decided it would be criminal not to post pictures from Song Zuying's concert after people worked so hard on these costumes.  Lots of pretty clothes coming up!

Miao ethnic clothing is so colorful!  I actually cried looking at these pictures.

The piano matches the Bird's Nest Stadium.

Chinese children are so adorable!  Chinese children in Chinese clothing are even cuter. ^^

The stage has a water fountain.  So gorgeous!

Aww, sweet!

Jay looks so shuai!  I so want a jacket like this!  (Seriously, I've been searching for years!)

They used this thing to look like a picture frame, and it's obviously fashioned after blue and white Chinese pottery (青花瓷).  Fortunately, I don't think anyone will be making dumb rumors about Jay and Zuying just because they held hands in a concert.  I can't express how glad I am that he's working with her!

I might be using some of these to make new userpics because I like them so much.

More links for pictures here:

Sina - Includes pics of Zuying's different outfits
Another Sina article - 5 pages with different photos of Zuying and the guests for the concert

jay chou, song zuying, lang lang

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