Hey i dont know if any1 ever looks at this any more since my space has been up... but i just got out of jail last night @ 2:30 am... I would rather not say wny i got arested. Well im living with my rents and i have a dorm at ASU East. No i dont go to asu i go to chandler gilber community collage. If you are enrolled at chandler gilbert, mesa comunity, or ASU East you can stay at the dorms @ ASU East and thats what im doing. I stay at my rents house sometimes cuz its closer to my school then my dorm. I am enrolled full time at CGCC now. Im not doin so great in school but im trying to get better. Im still with my boy friend Martin and we have been together for about 3 uears now. I love him so much.
http://profile.myspace.com/index.cfm?fuseaction=user.viewprofile&friendID=106049985 thats his my space account if u want to look him up and see who he is. He is my life my love my everything! Well thats about it. I was bored and decided to update this shit. I will be chickin in on it every once in a while if u still use ur account and want to say whats up.
Peace, Love , and Victory!