First: I understand, they're friends, and they're just trying to protect me from spoilerage. And I understand their dilemma! But is it so hard to give me straight answers to ambiguous questions?
So, here's how things went: a) We watch
The Score. Relatively unspoilery fact: there is a guy who pretends to be mentally challenged. Which leads to: b) the mention of some other movie where some guy turns out to be not retarded in the end. Everyone else goes "oh yeah," and I go "Huh? What movie?" Gerard dissembles, Alex clams up. Because, apparently, knowing that the guy isn't really retarded will completely spoil the movie. I ask some reasonably broad questions like, "Is it another heist movie? Is it a recent movie?"
But the only person willing to answer me is Gerard, and he freely admits that all he's going to do is lay false trails (or near enough as makes no difference). If the answers to these questions will spoil things further, I can accept that as a reason not to answer. Or, if an answer does spoil the movie, I can accept that I brought it upon myself. I have spoilered things for others, and it would be hypocritical to becry the same thing happening to me.
And, in fact, it is exactly the opposite situation that I am so pissed off about.
But I just want to know if I have a chance of stumbling across this movie on my own! If it is such an awesome movie, with such an awesome ending, I want to see it someday! Spoiling it is a moot point if that never happens. And as it is, I will now be watching every movie looking for such a character, whether I want to or not.