A very un-Hannele-like post.

Aug 17, 2006 19:08

Ahhh, today has been a good day for consumerism. I went shopping with my aunt and cousin, and I actually bought (surprise of surprises!) many items of clothing, along with a few (read: eight) CDs.

The day began like any other day: woken up by the alarm at 10am, then sleeping in until 1pm. I read a comic or two, and went downstairs for breakfast (blueberries & milk). My dad asked me (a bit rudely, as I was still reading my comic) if I was working; I replied that I was, at 7:30 (upon finding my schedule, I discovered I was actually working at 3:30, which was promptly forgotten). My dad then said he was going grocery shopping, and asked if I'd like to come along. This usually means a potential for something specially sugary, so I said OK. Then, I discovered that my aunt and cousin were going shopping at Intercity, so I ditched my dad (sorry, Isi!) and went with them instead. I felt a bit bad about it, but it's rare that I get in the mood for clothes shopping (although I suppose it has been happening a lot more frequently lately).

So, we get to Intercity. First store was Garage, and I started to regret coming along. It's just way too preppy for my tastes, and they have those fake vintage t-shirts that I despise. But we moved on fairly quickly.

After Garage came Thrifty's, and here I started to discover a few things that might possibly work for me. Unfortunately, they also had a lot of the despised fake vintage t-shirts, although a lot of them had DC super-heroes on them that I wouldn't have minded getting for a lesser price. There were also some corduroys, which is my favourite kind of fabric. I'm not entirely sure why...I think it has to do with the texture. Alas, the cut was completely wrong, and so I didn't end up buying anything.

...yes, I have clearly been watching too much What Not To Wear.

Anyways, afterwards we went to Bootlegger, in which I spied an awesome black jacket-like thing with pockets and puffed sleeves. I tried it on, and it was even more awesome! I was indecisive about purchasing it, since it was a bit expensive, and everything else I own is really neutral-coloured. Then my aunt declared that I wasn't going to walk around another store with clothes and not buy them, and so I bought it. Clearly, I had no choice in the matter.

This is where I came to decide that I wasn't picking up anything else that was predominantly black, brown, grey or white, despite the wonderfulness that I might be passing up. Plus, it should stop me spending more money.

We moved on, and browsed through a couple of other stores. Le Chateau, sadly, did not have much to offer me in my price range (or colour palate) today. At...Sirens?...I bought a red blouse-type thing with white polka dots which is awesome, but a bit fancy for the computer labs (which is where I decided I wasn't buying anything else that I couldn't wear comfortably in the compy labs).

By now, we were getting pretty hungry, and so we got stuff to eat. I got a chicken salad sandwich on a toasted everything bagle with herb-and-garlic cream cheese (my favourite!), with coffee and cookies. I tipped the server, since she was really nice about making my ridiculously uncommon sandwich. My aunt and cousin got burritos from Taco Bell.

And so, appetite sated, we backtracked to a couple of stores that my cousin had noted but not visited yet. We were to meet my step-uncle somewhere in the mall, who, curiously enough, showed up just as we were talking about him (he claimed to be able to find us by our conversation). I popped into Coles to see if they had the new editions of Good Omens, but apparently the re-edition is only available in the UK and the US (? Go figure).

In HMV, I discovered a few artists that I still owe money to. Namely: Feist and Ben Lee, although I also bought a random techno-y CD that was matched with the Feist for the 2 for $30 thing.

After meeting up with my relatives at Zellers (my cousin made an appointment for her eyebrows), we began to head home. On the way, me and my cousin were distracted by Sally Ann and Value Village, and so we bid goodbye to my aunt and uncle (her mother and step-father). I found many shirts to wear, as well as awesome sparkly paisley belts and a kickass slinky dry-clean-only red dress. They were having a 50% off sale in Sally Ann, so they only totalled to $17. In Valville, I found stripey corduroy pants, a floral skirt I will hopefully have the guts to wear somewhere and a few guilty pleasure CDs.

We took the bus home, and I discovered that it was 6:15. Whoops, I was supposed to be at work three hours ago! My dad said they'd called about a half-an-hour ago, so I called them back and asserted that I thought I'd started at 7:30 (luckily enough, I'd never gotten to telling my dad that I had noticed I'd started at 3:30). This sort of thing happens to me every now and then, and they didn't sound too mad at me, but we'll see what sorts of repercussions I'll have to deal with.

All in all, I really don't want to think about how much money I spent all together. But it was a good day for consumerism, and I don't really mind indulging my frippy blonde side every now and again. Science fiction has taught me that eventually I, and everyone else, will have to pay for this lifestyle, but there should at least be a few good times to look back on.

shameless consumerism, descriptive

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