7 Narcissus Petals

Dec 13, 2011 03:11

[Chloe scowls at the Gear once he turns it on and the reason for that look becomes clear as soon as the background comes into focus. Icy cave walls fill up most of the view behind him and what isn't that is one of his least favorite people here. Youji's nearby, looking just as displeased with this situation.]

If anyone knows how we ended up being stuck here somehow, we'd both appreciate an answer or tips on how to get back to Goldenrod when Trabant can't Fly with a passenger yet.

[He attempts to hit the power button, but his chilly fingers don't press very hard and the recording continues after the Gear gets set down on something.]

I'd almost--almost--be surprised enough to buy you lunch if someone actually has a detailed explanation for this idiocy.

[At this point, clapping his hands together and blowing on them is no longer helping, so he's decided to do something smarter, and retrieves a certain Pokeball.]

Fi, if you'd come out for a bit...? An Em--

[There's a please squeal of HAPPINESS as the little fox brings forth a scorching fountain of red-hot flames. Youji barely keeps his PI coat from being singed.]

--ber would do nicely. Well. Let's hope there's some rock in this cave, too, so that all that fire didn't melt the snow enough to fall down on our heads.

I'll hold you to that as long as your idea of lunch isn't the sort of thing people eat in the car because they don't have time for anything else before going back to work.

[He shivers as well, but Chloe's fond enough of gloves that he has leather ones on most of the time. And he's never been happier for that than right now.]

Make sure it can aim!

[Sure, the snow near them is melted and some rock is warm, but Vulpix very nearly set a certain Roselia on fire in the process. She sends a flurry of petals at the fox and scoots over to hug Chloe's leg.]

I didn't realize you had one of those. She's more beautiful than you deserve to have.

[Fi's little head hangs a bit in despair. She was trying to be good! She bats at a petal listlessly and tries not to lose hope.

Youji, meanwhile, just glares at Chloe.]

No one ever showed you how to speak to a lady, did they? That kind of compliment doesn't work so welll after you hurt her feelings.

[He looks down at the Vulpix and smiles apologetically.]

I wasn't meaning to hurt her feelings. She startled me and almost hurt my favorite team member.

[Christine is mostly fine, so she steps away from Chloe once she realizes this and uses Aromatherapy to heal both of them in her own apology.]

I'm perfectly good at speaking to ladies at any other moment.

[Fi very, very happily pranced back towards Christine and gives a little bow.]

Took you a minute there, in any case.

[Fortunately (??) for them, a bit of melting slush falls on the Gear, obscuring their conversation from here.]

[OOC: Green is Yohji. Replies will come from both of them once Chloe retrieves his Gear.]

location: ice path, r: ken hidaka, doesn't like yohji, glitch in the matrix, r: youji kudou, r: aya (ran) fujimiya, candid camera moment

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