Awesome song from my childhood... or WWII at least. So I got some chicks today. Been looking for Easter Eggers, Americaunas, or Araucanas for ages. They are so fucking expensive! Pretty hard to find, so I fixed up an old incubator. Then discovered how expensive the thermometer and hygrometer were going to be. So after about two months of trying to find these damn birds. I discovered on Monday that the local feed store was going to get a shipment of the little buggers today. So today I got two Americanas (misspelled so they are probably Easter Eggers really) A Barred Plymouth Rock, and a quail... that may or may not be female. If it's a boy I'll have to sell it.
They are probably less that a week old, fuzzy, cute, and just ridiculously cute. Saffron and Amber came in to see them through the bars of a $10 cage I got a while back. I'm going to see if I can get Nick to help me build a triangular coop/run out of wood from mum's failed fabric business. Should be pretty cheep. The design can hold up to 6 birds, and if I get a second bantam that would be 7. The Easter Eggers lay blue, green, and pink eggs.
Bantams are really small, eggs are perfect for making Scotch Eggs.
Plymouth Rocks lay a decent number of eggs, but also go broody and make excellent mothers which means if I find some eggs I want I can use her as a surrogate more reliably than the others.