My Pretty Lady - Chapter Five

May 11, 2010 19:44

Errr, hey, everyone! ...sorry I've not been around. >> 
I've had about five separate exams since I last saw you all, and three of them were just mocks, so not the real thing yet. Blast you, A Levels! 
Anyway, here's chapter five, thanks so much for waiting patiently. ><

Still not sure what to do about my other fic bunny... Should I start it alongside, or...?

Title: My Pretty Lady
Pairing: Chazz/Jimmy, Robert/Jesse
Rating: (12)
Chapter: 5/?
Word Count: 1,635
Beta: None.
Summary: Following an argument with Chazz, Jimmy moves out of their flat share.
Disclaimer: I own nothing, but I do work very hard at writing these!

Chapter Five
Jimmy rested his head in his hands, heart beating fast. He'd been perfectly still for the best part of an hour now, unable to do much of anything other than stare vacantly at his wig which had been long-since discarded and spread across the floor before him. If he'd been in his right state of mind, he would have probably picked the thing up immediately and brushed it off, considering it to be absolutely atrocious in terms of proper wig care.

As things were, he couldn't even bring himself to lean forwards, much less pick anything up, and so instead, he fell back against his unmade bed, head spinning.

He was mortified. Completely, totally, absolutely mortified.

He just couldn't believe it.

Chazz Michael Michaels, long-term rival and short-term friend-slash-skating partner of Jimmy MacElroy, had as good as kissed him without even asking first.

Sure, Chazz had thought Jimmy to be very female at the time, and yes, Chazz had the excuse of being a sex-addict, so it was probably understandable that he'd made a move...

With a scowl, Jimmy realised that all the arguing in the world just couldn't justify that he had liked it.

He winced at the thought, barely able to admit it to himself. It wasn't right. He wasn't a woman, for one, and Chazz definitely wasn't interested in men, because--

The blonde covered his face with his pillow in a vain attempt to stifle his thoughts from being heard.
It didn't work.

He hadn't expected things to get so complicated.

Back when Katie had broken up with him, Jimmy had been angry at her. He'd shouted, and told Chazz that it was all her fault, because he had never done anything wrong.

Chazz had given his partner a shoulder to cry on when Katie had told Jimmy that things really weren't working out. Chazz had been there when she'd told Jimmy that it wasn't working out because of him.

The skater heaved a mournful sigh. She must have known.

But that didn't mean she was right.

He sat up, his heart lifting at the idea.

It didn't mean that it was true.

* * * * *
Through the silence, Jimmy heard the buzz of his doorbell, internally glad that he hadn't really bothered to get changed as he retrieved his wig from the floor and pulled it on over his hairnet.

It was such a crime that he had to deprive the world from seeing his beautiful hair, but it simply had to be done. It was just one of those things that couldn't be helped.

The next few dozen rings of the bell finally managed to spur Jimmy on just enough to tear himself away from the mirror before going to the door. As a second thought on his way, he picked up a pair of oversized sunglasses and pushed them on. After all, he thought as he undid the chain on his door before turning the latch, you never knew who might be out there.

Jimmy should have expected it, of course he should have. He'd been thinking about it enough, but when he saw Chazz standing on the doorstep before him, the only word that came to mind was “...uh?”

Taking this as an invitation, Chazz stepped over the threshold and into the German figure skater's home.

Finally, Jimmy managed to form a sentence as he slammed the door shut - too late.

“What are you doing here, Michaels?” he asked, only just remembering his accent as he placed his hands on his hips.

“Excuse me, miss...” Chazz trailed off, unable to prevent his eyes from roaming downwards, then up slightly, to focus on--

Used to this sort of attention after a solid month of pretending to be Janine, Jimmy caught Chazz's attention with a sharp gesture skywards, “My face is very much up here, you know.”

The next thing he knew, the blonde found himself up against the wall with Chazz pinning him there.

It took him a moment to register that the hands at his waist weren't his own, and that the mouth at his ear that whispered useless nothings definitely wasn't his either.

But as he came to his senses, Jimmy couldn't stop a sudden surge of jealousy at Chazz's muffled words.

He pushed him away roughly, half regretting the loss of contact.

How dare he?!

He glared at him indignantly as Chazz started his traditional sex-addiction speech.

How dare he speak to Janine like that when Jimmy so plainly--

He paused at the abrupt realisation.

When Jimmy was so plainly in love with him?

“You should go...” he mumbled quietly, not trusting himself to look up just in case he managed to give himself away.

Chazz swallowed at the sound of her voice. It was just so... she sounded defeated.

“I'm sorry, miss, no,” he shook himself, “Janine. I... I had no idea that the German people were offended by... displays of--”

“Please, just go. You probably know how to work the handle on the door,” Jimmy mumbled, unable to even bring himself to create a decent insult as he brushed past Chazz and started towards his kitchen, throat suddenly dry.


The blonde faltered in his steps.

“Dinner? I mean, I can do dates if that's what--”

“No. Just go.”

Chazz stared before edging back towards the front door, hands seeking out the handle when he found himself unable to take his eyes off the skater as she left the hallway.

* * * * *
Dinner?! What had he been thinking? Chazz Michael Michaels did not do dinner. Chazz Michael Michaels did not take girls out because he didn't need to, because when Chazz Michael Michaels wanted a woman, then that woman wanted him. That was how it worked.

He scowled when he found himself sitting on Robert's sofa, a cup of coffee in hand.

It had become something of a ritual ever since he and Jimmy had won the gold. Once a week, Chazz stopped by, and he and Coach talked about men's stuff, the blokey-bloke stuff that Jimmy and Jesse would never dream of talking about.

Like when Coach told Chazz that he was starting to look fat again, and Chazz wouldn't answer because he couldn't think of a good-enough come back.

Or like that other time when Coach told Chazz that he looked as good as if he'd been run over with a bull-dozer.


But today, things would be different.

The sex addict really had something to talk about this time. Something important.

“Janine,” he said as soon as the older man took his seat.

Robert sighed heavily, “Her again? Listen, Michaels, I'm not letting you get your paws all over my skater, damn it.”

“You don't understand, alright? You don't get it. I... It's been tough for me. I've never--”

“Had a father, and since Jimmy left, it's been so hard on you. Yeah, yeah, Michaels, I hear it every week. It doesn't mean that I'm letting you near her.”

“It's different!”

Robert rolled his eyes.

“It's never different, Chazz, it's always the same.”

“I asked her if she wanted dinner. She... she turned me down.”

“Of course she turned you down, Michaels, she's got a few brain cells to rub together, not like the ones you usually go for--”

There was a pause as he took in what Chazz had said.

“ asked her out to dinner,” he repeated as Jesse put his head around the kitchen door, having heard the entire conversation.

“Rob, can I have a word?”

The Coach waved his hand dismissively, “In a minute.”

Chazz caught the enraged look in the dancer's eyes long before Robert did.

“It's okay. I'll be fine. You go, I can wait. Looks like the old ball and chain needs you.”

The Coach stood with an oath before following Jesse into the kitchen.


“Don't 'what' me, Rob.”

“Fine. What's wrong?”

“You can't do this to him.”

“To who? And just what am I doing?”

“To Chazz, and you know exactly what you're doing, Rob. You're not stupid.”

“No, you're right, I'm not stupid, but I don't see what it is that I'm doing to him.”

Jesse's tone was hushed, “You're hurting him by not telling him who Janine is. What if he found out?”

“He's not about to find out. We just have to keep them away from each other, that's all. Then, next year, they'll be back together, and they'll be ready to win.”

“If things go too far and he finds out, you won't have a pair's team to speak of. They'll never work together again.”

Robert sighed; Jesse was right.

“You tell him today, or they'll never win the gold again. You tell him now, and we can still save this. Still save them.”

pg13, chazz/jimmy, fic

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