More fic from miss itchy.

Sep 09, 2008 04:31

Seriously, wtf? My hands won't stop ITCHING arrgh. And yes, you all need to know that.

Second part of the fic I posted last time. Umm..I'm pretty clueless on laws and jail and arrests and ALL PARTS OF A CRIME. I tried to research but that stuff really makes my head spin. But I tried!

Oh and for picky readers, yes the first part was Jimmy's point of view, this is Chazz's because it made sense to me to switch. Not a bad writing accident.

Fic: Lone Wolf in a Cage
First Chapter:
Second Chapter Title: Arrested
Pairing: Chazz/Jimmy
Rating: Overall fic, NC17. This part? I dunno, pg-13, r.
Wordcount: 1923
Summary: Chazz gets carted off to jail. FOR WHY!?!

They woke up to a lot of shouting. Chazz checked the clock - 2 am. His eyes widened; had he really been asleep that long on a club night? It could have only been an hour or two, but he was still surprised. How had he-? Oh yea…

He was reminded as Jimmy shifted against him and rolled over with a sigh, facing up towards the ceiling. He rubbed his eyes awake and blinked a few times before turning his head to face Chazz. “Hey,” he said softly.

“Hey, you,” Chazz returned. He pulled himself up into a sitting position and after a moment, Jimmy did the same.

“Your pants are down,” Jimmy told him.

“So are yours.” Chazz snickered as Jimmy swore softly and began to zip himself up. Then he did the same.

“What happened tonight it was…it was…” Jimmy couldn’t find the words.

Chazz finished his sentence for him. “Goooood.”

“Well it-yea, it was.” And Jimmy began to give that perky smile, except both of them were distracted by a loud knock on the door.

“Chazz! Chazz!” an urgent voice called, not one that Jimmy recognized. “The police are here and they’re screaming a lot!”

“Why would the police be here?” Jimmy asked slowly.

“I dunno!” Chazz said, spreading his arms wide. “But listen, Jimmy….” He leaned in a little, and Jimmy crawled towards him. “I have a gut feeling you need to get out of here. Go through the bathroom, the window there - well, the ledge outside it, it’s easy to climb down.” He rummaged in the nightstand next to the bed, and then finally tossed Jimmy his keys. “Take my car. It’s parked in a public lot down the street. It’s not far, just run.” He kissed Jimmy once on the cheek, turned himself away with much effort, and then ran out of the room and downstairs.

Waiting for him was a large group of people, his gay “harem” and the cops. “Charles Michael Michaels?” A tall, slender cop named ‘Leroy Jenkins’ stepped forth.

“Yea…is there something I can do, officer?”

“You can. You can put your hands behind your back. You’re under arrest for sexual assault. A couple of young men have come forward about your little harem and told us what you did to them.”

“But-but the Master never takes anyone to his room! And everyone is willing!” Someone vouched for him from the crowd, but Chazz wasn’t sure who it was. They were silence quickly anyway as an officer yelled.

“Me? Rape someone?” He stared incredulously at that Leroy Jenkins. “People would PAY to sleep with me! Not that I’ve ever asked them to!” he added quickly. The last thing he needed was for someone to think he was into prostitution.

“Hands behind your back!” Leroy barked.

“Fine, fine.” Chazz knew the drill for being arrested. He sighed as he was cuffed and led out of the house, well aware of all the eyes following him. He was pressed up against the car and asked if he had weapons, blah blah, his rights - he was used to it.

However one thing he wasn’t used to was the jeers. “Ew! On second thought, Barb you pat him down, he’ll probably like me touching him. Gross.” Leroy backed off.

“Yep,” the female cop answered and searched him while two of the ‘good ole boy’ cops went on their own disgusting tangent on ‘the gay’.

Chazz just listened knowing he could do nothing about it.

Once at the station, they gave him an outfit to wear. Apparently his jeans and open vest weren’t acceptable, especially since he wasn’t just going in the drunk tank for a night. They shoved him in some empty cell for a while and filled out some papers. Then they brought him to an office to explain more of what was happening.

“Some men came forward and claimed your forced yourself on them over the course of a few hours last week,” the thin face man behind the desk explained. “They said you invited them to a private strip club-“


“-please, let me continue. Anyway, they reported you invited them into your room to have beers and watch ‘the game’ on your huge TV, and then you took advantage of them. When the cops got there, they were not impressed with the harem-like atmosphere. Or the fact that it was for gay men. You’d better have a good lawyer.”

“I-I have a lot of money…” Chazz said slowly, in disbelief. Why on earth would anyone do that to him? What guy or guys hated him that much?

“Great. Although the odds are against you with your addict history…now you can use the rape shield law to keep out anything that might count against you from your reputation but when making their final decision.” He said it so flatly, Chazz couldn’t tell if he was on his side or not.

“Wait. Don’t they test the spooge? Why’d they believe those guys?” Ha! Chazz had them there!

“They had samples - on their bodies, so…”

“Fuck me!” Chazz exclaimed in surprise. “How…?”

“I don’t know.” The man shrugged. “I just explain what I can. You may have your phonecall now.”

Ahhh, the ‘one phone call’. Usually, Chazz never bothered. In the past he’d had no one to call. But he nervously punched in the buttons that night, or was it morning, and made his first jail call.

“Jimmy?” he asked breathlessly as the phone picked up.

“Chazz! Where are you? Are you okay? I snuck out like you said - what happened? I’m home but not inside yet. Where are you?” He spoke so fast Chazz could barely catch it all.
“I’m in jail.”

“They say I raped some guys.”

Silence, and then nervously: “Did you?”

“No!” Chazz urged. “Shit, I could have anyone in the club! I wouldn’t have to force myself on anyone! I didn’t do anything. I don’t know…I have no idea who would do this to me.”

“Wow um…can I visit?”

“Not this late, they won’t let you in. Tomorrow?”

“That’s not good enough!” The urgency in Jimmy’s voice surprised Chazz. “I need to see you, as soon as I can!”


“IT’S BULLSHIT!” he exploded. “You’d NEVER rape anyone! What the hell? How could they DO this!?”


There was hard breathing on the other end. “This isn’t how it was supposed to go. We weren’t supposed to kiss and do…whatever we did just to have you go to jail right after. You shouldn’t be in jail. You’re a good person and I know it. You should be here making fun of me.”

“Are ya gonna be okay? It did get fucked up, you and I should have been able to-“

“Okay!?” Jimmy laughed, and it was an ugly sound, not happy. “What if they keep you there? What if you never get to leave? What if we found this great thing and it’s stopped right as it began?”

“Your time is about up. Say goodbye,” a cop ordered him.

“They’re making me go now, Jimmy.”

“Oh. Uh…okay…”

Chazz could tell he was on the verge of tears. “I just got here homeschool. I might not even be here a week. Come to the station tomorrow and talk to someone and try to reach me, okay?”

“Oh-okay. Chazz? Hey! Chazz! I miss you.”

The boy moved faster than a bad vampire romance novel! Geez! But Chazz found he missed the thought of sleeping in the same room as Jimmy, even if he had done it before. “Miss you too…bye.” He hung up the phone.

He got to see Jimmy very briefly the next day, and it sucked. They brought Chazz to a room with a desk with a phone and a plastic window in front of it. He could see Jimmy sitting on the other side. Chazz could tell by his expression that he wasn’t the only one burning with anger at the only way they were allowed to talk.

Chazz picked up the phone. “Jimmy! Hey it’s good to see you!”

Jimmy’s voice calmed him down when he did hear it. “Chazz! I hate this! I wanted it to be more in person. I saw the guys claiming you raped them.”

Odd. “Don’t they usually keep that stuff secret?”

“These guys were announcing it like they just won a gold medal.” Jimmy looked pissed again.

Chazz couldn’t wait to see those pieces of work. But there was an even more pressing matter. “Did you hear anything about how long I’ll be in here? They aren’t really talking to me.”

“Didn’t they bring you to see your lawyer?”

“No…and…no one has talked about bail either. I’m rich! I should be outta here! But someone really seems to want me in here.”

Jimmy leaned back for a second as much as the cord would let him. He looked like he was taking a few deep breaths. Then he spoke again. “Isn’t that like…illegal?”

“Depends on how big of a threat they seem to think I am, I guess. My club of men didn’t help.” Unfortunately, that might go in his “bad ideas bank”.

“I like your club,” Jimmy said gently and Chazz could tell he was tired of talking about stuff relating to the case. “Chazz they gotta let you out, they- I need you.” He looked sad.

“I didn’t do anything. They’ll let me out,” Chazz said confidentally, even if he didn’t really believe it. “I’ll be out and we can…you know…stuff.” Neither of them had the balls to really get into discussing it then and there.

“Times up,” the guard said anyway.

Chazz sighed. “Gotta go…visit me tomorrow okay?”

“Kay,” Jimmy nodded. “I’ll be here. Bye.”

“Bye, Jimmy,” Chazz said and hung up the little phone.

However he didn’t get to see Jimmy the next day. He saw a judge, a lawyer, basically a court although there was definitely something wrong with it. They said he was getting his trial right away instead of waiting months, but it made no sense still.

In the courtroom, he saw the two men finally. They were both scrappy looking guys, both with dark hair. One was noticeable taller and wider than the other. And Chazz knew who they were - two men he had met at a bar and invited to his club. And, they had showed up.
There was evidence too. They’d had Chazz’s semen on their bodies, bruises, and seemed to be suffering some sort of trauma. But Chazz could have sworn that one of them smiled at him and winked when none of the officials were watching.

It was the strangest trial Chazz had ever been to. It was fast, he barely got to talk, no one was even on his side! He questioned the legality of it all and was silenced. The judge looked very familiar to him however, and he couldn’t place his finger on it. He wouldn’t look at him directly, but was pretty pissed off with Chazz’s existence…

And before he knew it, he was being carted off back into the jail cell. Only, he was going to a more permanent one than the last one, and wasn’t going to be going home any time soon. Chazz had never been accused of any large crimes before the rape thing, always small drug things, going to jail for a week, month, whatever, so he wasn’t really sure how it worked. But he was sure that the way he was being treated wasn’t the norm. What was going on?

pg13, chazz/jimmy, xenafox, fic, r

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