My BoGfest fic!

Jul 11, 2008 10:17

Whoot! I am so excited to read all the fics!

My prompt was:Pairing: Stranz/Fairchild
Rating: Anything goes!
Genre: Preferably nothing too fluffy, but the author's muse is the boss.
Situation: After the Wintersport Games incident, Stranz and Fairchild are under house arrest together.
Inclusions: A brief description of a bad sex ed experience, and a mention of what Katie's up to while the twins dealing with house arrest.
Length: As long as the fic needs to be. I don't want the author to feel at all limited by length.

Written for ladyaneboleyn I hope you like it, and I apologize for the severe lack of smut! :(

click here for Balance

tripperfunster, pg, fic

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