Blades of Glory Idol 2

Dec 31, 2007 11:16

Blades of Glory Idol 2
Title: Blades of Glory Idol 2
Rating: PG-13 for Stranz's comments, and Simon and Paula making out!!!!
Summary: Jimmy, Chazz, Jesse, Katie, Hector, Stranz, and Fairchild are trying to be the next "Blades" Idol.....
Reference(s) of: Shrek 2's Far Far Away Idol....
Special Guests: Simon Cowell, Randy Jackson, Paula Abdul

Announcer: Welcome back, everyone! It's time to see who is our next Blades of Glory Idol! The results are in! Here's what our contestants had to say about it............

Jimmy: Jeepers, I am so nervous.......(groaning) I hope I win.....
Chazz: I can feel it now.....a large trophy with MY name written ALL over it!!!!
Jesse: I kid you not, I am shaking in my pants about this thing right now......
Katie: I hope it's afterwards I can stuff that trophy in my sibs' faces!!!
Hector: If I win, I'm going to show the trophy off, MacElroy style!!!!!!!
Stranz: Fairchild and I are going to win the contest, hands-down!
Fairchild: This is going to be one of the best days of our lives.......

Announcer: Now we go to our judges to announce the winner!

(Simon goes over to the contestants with a manila envelope in his hand. Jimmy and Katie nervously cross their fingers. Jesse clasped his hands together, looking up to the sky, while Chazz squeeze his together in avarice. Hector, sweating and shaking visibly, placed his hands in his pockets. Stranz and Fairchild held each other's hand and started to shake as well. Randy and Paula gave each other a "Here we go again" look and a smile.)

Simon: And the winner for Blades of Glory is.................(big drumroll) JESSE!!!!!! Congratulations, Jess! You are the next Blades of Glory Idol!!!!!

(With mixed feelings of amazement and happiness and on the verge of tears, Jesse put his hand to his heart and came to shake the judges hands. Randy took his hand proudly.)

Jesse: Oh my GOSH! This is incredible! I won the Blades of Glory IDOL!!!!!!!!!!!
Randy: Welcome to show business, brother.............

(Enraged, Stranz and Fairchild leave the room.)

Fairchild: I can hardly believe this! WE were supposed to take his place! What's up with that?!
Stranz: I know, I know. This ain't nothing but some crap!!!!!

(Soon, Hector started to leave the room as well. However, he started bawling soundly.)

Hector: MAMA, NOOOOOOOOO!!!! I was supposed to win the contest!!!(rolling on the floor) WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY?????????? I wanted to WIIIIIIIINNNNNNNN...........
(Simon and Paula dragged him out of the room. Jimmy, Katie, and a reluctant Chazz came over to Jesse, congratulating him.)

Katie: (To Jesse, with hugs) Congratulations, deserved it........
Jimmy: (in agreement) Way to go, Jess! (Then to Chazz) Chazz, you have anything to say, man?
Chazz:(sighing for a moment, then laughs) Oh, alright. (To Jesse) Congrats, bro! You are the perfect Blades of Glory Idol!!!!

Jesse:(declaring a group hug) Yeah, that's what I'M talking about!!!!! I win a trophy and a LOT MORE LOVE!!!!!

(Simon and Paula watch these 4 people.)

Paula:(in awe) Awe, I wish every contest had ended like this........
Simon:( rolling his eyes) Woman, you are joking, right?
Paula:(To Simon)  Simon!
Randy:(also going to Simon) Yeah, can't you do anything else other than being a grouch?
Simon: No. It's part of my job!
Paula: You are so irascible, Simon!
Simon: That's an understatement.......

(Paula starts to hit Simon, but he grabs her hand and brings her closer to him. Afterwards, they start kissing. Randy rolls his eyes. Soon he comes over to Jesse and asks him to do an encore.)

Randy: (To Jesse)Care to do an encore, Jess?
Jesse: Oh, I'd love to!

(He resumes singing "The Love Train," but this time, he and Chazz dance together, while Katie and Jimmy dance together. Soon, Hector returns, still crying.)

Hector: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! THAT TROPHY SUPPOSED TO BE MIIIIIIIIINNNNNEEEE! I WANTED IT! I WANTED IT!(He tries to snatch the trophy but Chazz trips him and kicks his butt. Hector crawls on the floor, grabbing Jimmy and Katie's legs, but they shove him off. Then Hector tugs at Jesse's trophy, but Jesse head-butted him. Then, Jesse, Chazz, Katie, and Jimmy resmued singing and dancing.)

Announcer: Thank you everyone who had casted their votes for the winner! Tune in next time for our next contest!!!!!!!!!!! And remember.......................

(Hector had come in front of the screen, still making a spectacle of himself.)


pg13, lady_mouse04, fic

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