(no subject)

Nov 24, 2007 23:21

Disclaimer: I disclaim.

Pairing: Chazz/Jimmy

Rating: Probably pg-13

I really wanted to use certain lyrics in these shorts that pertain to Blades of Glory. I'unno, I think it's interesting. You might too.

If they're ooc I'm going to kill myself.


The act becomes the art of growing up.

Chazz takes his face into his hands, the fear and frustration disappearing momentarily, and kisses him.

The kiss is neither soft nor hard. It simply is. And Jimmy pulls back a little, their foreheads resting on each other, and he looks into the dark eyes framed by darker hair that is Chazz, and practicing doesn't seem as important anymore.

They are on the couch, sitting in a lonely little cabin away from everyone, from women most importantly, and Jimmy does not want to grow up.

Lips, hard against his devour him, try to suck out his soul. A tongue dives deep within his mouth, and Jimmy can taste the pork rinds Chazz ate earlier.

Chazz only breaks the kiss to lick and nip his neck, edging closer.

He wants to jump back inside himself, and hide from the lips that seek out his again. The hand sliding from his waist to his thigh to -

"No!" Jimmy squeaks, blushing, and falling off the couch in a shocked daze.

And Chazz grins wolfishly and nudges his side. "You playing hard to get is freaking hot right now."

Jimmy huffs and stands, hands on his hips, leaning to the side just slightly. "I'm not playing, Chazz."

Chazz makes a gurgle in the back of his throat, slitting his eyes. "Ugh, you minx!"

Jimmy shrugs, and walks to their shared room, ignoring the obvious complaints from his partner, and locks the door. Fists bang on the heavy wood dispassionately. "This game is getting boring now Princess, time to let the Chazz Machine go to work."

Something thrusts against the door. Jimmy doesn't even need to guess. He sits on the bed and holds himself.

I'm not ready to grow up yet.


I am what you always wanted, what all the other boys all promised.

The hair that never stopped moving - looked like it was being blown by some nonexistent wind constantly, that swagger, those skin tight leathers that simply dripped sex.

Jimmy doesn't have to image what it would be like.

The first time Chazz walks into his life he, honestly, is awe struck.

A strange tingling is in his gut, and he is ashamed but so intrigued.

Chazz saunters up to him with a smirk, confident, and unlike anything Jimmy's father has ever warned him about.

Chazz says, "hey baby,"

and Jimmy squeaks out, "Um".

There is a slight silence, Jimmy blushes deeply and doesn't know what to do. Chazz cocks his eyebrows, and finally smirks. "So where is the Chazz's dressing room. You like, work here right?"

Jimmy is taken aback and angry and something else entirely. He glares and walks away, tries actually, but Chazz grabs his arm and licks his lips.

Jimmy wants to offer him some chap-stick.

"You're pretty hot, you uh, ever -"

He doesn't finish, because Jimmy's father is suddenly beside him and tugging on his arm, taking him from Chazz. Jimmy doesn't get how his father can randomly appear like this so often, but he is almost grateful this time.

"Come Jimmy, we have to practice your routine. And I told you not to talk to strangers, you never seem to listen. Emotions and teenagers these days," and he huffs and drags Jimmy away.

And Jimmy hears behind him in a surprised gasp, "No way was that chick a dude."


If you let me have my way I swear I'll tear you apart.

The way Chazz looks at Jimmy is the way one would look at their favorite toy that's just been stepped on.

It's glimpses, quick and meaningless to anyone. Chazz makes sure nobody can tell - that no one notices. But maybe, maybe he holds Jimmy too tightly sometimes, too long.

He is so, so terrified of someone finding out.

Chazz Michael Michaels is scared of NO ONE. But if someone perhaps found out his nasty, insane, un-Chazz secret, then Chazz would be forced to kill that someone.

He is a ladies man, a sex on everything kind of guy. Tits are awesome.

Yet... with Jimmy MacElroy, it's different.

Jimmy is sensitive, like a chick, but there are no sacks of fat on his chest. He's innocent. So much so that's it's bordering on social retardation.

But god, is there something completely enticing about it.

Chazz can see it - teaching Jimmy his manly ways, his infinite knowledge of every sexual position known to man. Jimmy being all virginal, and coming out of it a filthy -


Chazz Michael Michaels will not go down that damn train of thought again.

Jimmy is the only world he can say anymore.

Yesterday, instead of going out to find some sexy young thang waitin' for the takin', he masturbated to Jimmy's Seventeen cover lying around while said boy was on a date with...



Btw, the lyrics belong to Brand New. :D

pg13, chazz/jimmy, thesunqueen, fic

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