
Oct 13, 2007 13:23

Title: Fortune
Author: Auberginemoon
Genre: Drabble
Pairing: Chazz/Jimmy
Rating: PG 13
Summary: Why Chinese is their favorite food
Author‘s note: Un-betaed, so any mistakes are mine.

Chazz and Jimmy sat companionably together on the couch with empty Chinese take-out containers littering the table in front of them. Chazz knocked over several of these as he grabbed a fortune cookie. Opening it, he popped the cookie into his mouth and read what it contained. He tossed the scrap of paper over his shoulder, pushed Jimmy down, and straddled him. Jimmy stared up at him questioningly as he pulled Chazz down on top of him.

“My fortune,” Chazz explained in between alternating kisses and licks to the side of Jimmy’s neck. “You have many talents, in bed.”

pg13, drabble, chazz/jimmy, auberginemoon

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