Private Property

Jul 16, 2007 22:18

This is the sequel to "The Taste of Liqueur", based another roleplaying session that Lady Anne Boleyn and I did. Its kind of Brush!fic. Read it and see.

Private Property

Chazz sat on the bed, inspecting his Verticoli brush as though he were an archeologist examining a rare and valuable item for signs of forgery. His forehead was creased with suspicion as scrutinized the brush, and he was so absorbed in his examation that he wouldn't have even noticed Jimmy entering the room if he hadn’t been humming a warbly rendition of the Titanic theme song. His head shot up and his eyes instantly narrowed at the sight of Jimmy, who abruptly turned to leave when he saw Chazz.

“MacElroy…” he growled.

Jimmy spun around, smiling guiltily.

“Um…Hi Chazz! Your hair looks especially, uh, thick today.”

Chazz’s scowl remained.

“Care to explain…this?” Chazz held up a single strand of golden hair between his fingers.

Jimmy’s knees felt like they had turned to water, and he glanced around nervously for an escape route, or a defense weapon.

“Uh…maybe you got some bleach mixed in your shampoo! These things do happen, you know…”

Chazz rose from the bed like a bear preparing to maul a hiker who had been unlucky enough to stumble upon its cave.  Jimmy instinctively took a step back, only to realize that he was cornered. Chazz moved into his personal space, blocking any escape. He leaned in, and Jimmy could smell the sweat from the afternoon’s practice still clinging to Chazz’s body.

“MacElroy…did you use my brush?” Chazz’s voice was low and dangerous.

Jimmy’s voice rose up high and cracked. “I might have…um…looked at it? A little?”

“Didn’t I tell you not to even look at it?” said Chazz. Somehow, Chazz’s low, quiet voice was far more frightening to Jimmy than him yelling could have ever possibly been.

“I, uh, don't think... I mean, I don't remember... but it was RIGHT THERE and it's so pretty! Gah, Chazz, please don't kill me!” Jimmy was trembling now.

“I’m not going to kill you.”

“Please don’t put me in a coma!”

“I’m not going to hurt you. How am I going to skate with my partner in the hospital? Think, MacElroy!”

Jimmy trembled even more. What could Chazz possibly be planning?

“Wh-what are you gonna d-do?” he stammered.

Chazz looked thoughtful.

“I don't know yet...maybe I should put you over my knee and spank your ass until you learn to respect other people's property.”

Jimmy’s eyes widened. “You wouldn’t!”

“I wouldn't? Maybe I will MacElroy...maybe you need to be taught a lesson.”

“B-but…I’ve never been spanked before in my life!” Jimmy was truly horrified at the thought.

“First time for everything…now should I use the brush or my hand?” Chazz lightly smacked the Verticoli against his palm for effect.

“You won’t seriously spank me! You wouldn’t abuse your Verticoli like that, and you certainly won’t touch my butt!”

“Wouldn't I? You've got an ass like a girl anyway, and you'd be surprised how sturdy the Verticoli is.”

Jimmy was momentarily sidetracked.

“You’ve looked at my ass?”

“Sure. I thought you were a woman the first time I saw you…until you turned around.” A small, secretive smile passed Chazz’s lips.

“Wha..” Jimmy squeezed his eyes shut to clear the unsettling thoughts of Chazz thinking about him…THAT way. “Well I’m not! And if you lay a hand on me, I’ll…I’ll tell Coach!”

“I think he would agree that you had it coming.”

“Take that back, you douche! Coach would never take your side!”

“He would in the case of a $12,000 brush that I specifically told you NOT to touch.”

“But…Can’t we negotiate this? I’ll do your chores for a week!”

“No. I don’t care if it’s a year.”

Jimmy swallowed hard as he realized that there was no way to get out of this.
“Will it hurt?” he whispered dejectedly.

“What do you think?”

“I told you, nobody’s ever spanked me! I don’t know what it’s like. Maybe it just…tingles, you know…”

“It hurts. That’s the whole point of it as a punishment.”

Jimmy was nearly at the verge of tears. “Will…will you make it hurt less if I say I’m sorry?” he whispered, his blue eyes looking up at Chazz pleadingly.

Chazz’s mouth twitched, and he bit his lip…and then he broke into peals of laughter.
“Oh my fucking god MacElroy, did you really think I was going to spank you?!”

“You…you’re not?” Jimmy seemed dazed.

Chazz slapped his knee, still roaring with laughter. “NO! My god, the look on your face!”

“CHAZZ! You…you….” Jimmy shook an accusatory finger at him, but he simply couldn’t come up with an insult mean enough.

“Oh MacElroy, you had it coming. I did say I was going to punish you, and you nearly peeing you pants was punishment enough.” Chazz was now holding his sides from laughing so hard. “You looked like a deer in headlights!”

Jimmy's face was now totally red with embarrassment, and he was still shaking an accusatory finger at him.

Chazz just grinned at this accusation.
“No…a Bad Person would’ve actually spanked you rather than just fucked with your head.”

Jimmy pursed his lips in pout.
“I probably would’ve rather been spanked.” He muttered.

“Aw Princess. I would never want to bruise that pretty little ass of yours.” Chazz punctuated this statement by giving Jimmy’s rear a gentle slap, causing an indignant squeak.

Jimmy let out a slow, shuddering sigh. “Don’t ever scare me like that again.”

Chazz felt a twinge of remorse.

“Aww. C’mere.” His arms wrapped around Jimmy in a big bear hug.
“Just don’t touch my brush. Seriously.” He murmured.

Jimmy sighed a little as Chazz’s strong arms enveloped him comfortingly.
“Can’t…can’t I just, like…use it before competitions and stuff? I really like it.” Jimmy’s voice was soft and trembled slightly, fearing how Chazz would react.

Chazz relented at the slight waver in Jimmy’s voice.
“Well…okay. But I have to be the one who brushes your hair with it. Not you.”

Jimmy’s face lit up.

“Really?! Thanks Chazz!” Jimmy hugged Chazz even tighter, and Chazz’s heart seemed to melt a little at the look of happiness of his face.

So there you have it. I was originally going to have Chazz spank Jimmy, but I couldn't bring myself to do it because LadyAnneB plays such a sweet little Jimmy that I didn't have the heart. Sorry if I dissapointed you, but I like this ending better anyway.

ladyanneboleyn, pg13, chazz/jimmy, asarelah

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