Idea and art!

Jun 06, 2007 22:26

Since so many of us were railing against the crap DVD cover art ... I had an idea.

Why don't we have a sort of contest, for users to design a new cover? There wouldn't necessarily have to be a winner, or anything, but ... we could all have another chance to get creative, and submit them at a size that could be printed out and slipped in over the actual cover art.

Think about all the possibilities ... you could do a cover based around your favorite character, like when they did that anniversary re-release of Reservoir Dogs. Or a "Special Edition" cover featuring your favorite pairing...

What d'you guys think? Sounds like fun?

Also, I finally got off my butt and properly inked and colored a bit of Jimmy/Chazz fanart...

Naturally, about five seconds after this picture was taken, Chazz copped a feel, and Jimmy flailed around like a little girl.... ;D

I listened to Mika on loop while I was drawing this ... for some reason, Love Today makes me think of a sort of press junket montage thing with these two. I don't know why, but it fits. Anyway, enjoy!

chazz/jimmy, ciliandis, art

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