Jun 29, 2005 22:59
Sometimes I wonder if anyone hears the cries
Sometimes I wonder if anyone really cares
Sometimes I wonder how it got this far
Sometimes I wonder if it will get better
Sometimes life sucks
Sometimes life rocks
Sometimes life is unfair
Sometimes life shocks you
Sometimes you question everything good
Sometimes you question everything bad
Sometimes you question everything
Sometimes you don't question anything
Sometimes everyone wonders if you are okay
Sometimes everyone asks out loud if you are okay
Sometimes everyone sees the pain
Sometimes everyone ignores the pain
Sometimes I am energetic
Sometimes I am bitchy
Sometimes I am run-down
Sometimes I am fantabulous
Sometimes life gets me down
Sometimes life is perfect
Sometimes life is a big black hole
Sometimes life is rollercoaster that never ends
Sometimes there are tears
Sometimes there are giggles
Sometimes there are jokes
Sometimes there is silence
Sometimes you question the new doctor
Sometimes you question the doctor that refered you
Sometimes you question the answers
Sometimes you question the questions
Why just sometimes?
Sometimes is the best way to describe the in between