Pony pickkies from gold rush parade.

Jan 29, 2010 21:15


I worked my tail off there this year, but I also had the most fun yet of any con. I think suiting a LOT helped. I probably did about 13 hours over the 3 days.

I unfortunately missed nearly EVERYONE I wanted to meet. With the exception of Avon, who I didnt get to spend nearly enough time with due to work shifts, and RPRT. He was Very kind to take both us ponies out to Original Joe's. Still AWESOME Itallian! OMG.
90% of the others I wanted to meet, I never saw, or It didnt register in my sieve head :p
I did meet up with TK wuffy, and Scruffy. tho just for a very too short time.
Got to talk a lot with Night and hooves as they were our hosts for the room. Very kind uni's :) ANd I do miss them both:(

Hotel logistics for auto's really is the shits, so I dropped off all the stuff, and went and parked 5 miles to the south in a park and ride lot , and took the light rail to the station on first. $2 there, and $2 back to the car, and it was found there safe, and still having 4 wheels too! (Cheapest parking yet) I have to wonder if I could stash a pony cart somewhere, and give rides, as there is a lot of room outside, and around the park too.
I have yet to try it, but Ive heard that paintball companys make a substance that one can put on basks to stop fog, that actually works. This would be awesome as I wouldnt be totally blind! at least I have reins to direct me!
All the hell of getting to the con ill leave out as I only want to forget the blizzard we got stuck in at work.(To hell with winter! Turn up the bloody heat already!)

I am amazed that the con ran smoother than most of the past, Even with the new unframilliar hotel. Only gripes are the cardlock elevators, the lack of hot water for a 5 star hotel just amazes me, the beds are omg FAIL. we are bringing the camping airbed next year and leaving the bed to others, or to yiff on :p
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