Oct 01, 2011 15:36
[ He knew this was the last time they were ever going to see each other. He knew that he was leaving and that she alone would be the one with the memories of their short time together. Short for him at least, and yet- there is no doubt that it was a time to be treasured and remembered despite of that. Someday she will also leave this place, and whether or not she will remember is a good question he didn't need to know the answer for. Whether she will remember him, or if she too will go back to living her life back home as she previously did, and the memories and the relationship they once had together will scatter and disappear, remaining something forgotten, almost as though it never existed-- that didn't matter.
What did matter is that she will remember him after he leaves and that he was given once final chance to spend time with her, so if he could at least leave a good final impression and make her memories of their last moment together happy ones... then he will do that. To leave behind a happy memory-- that was the least he could do. And with that, the two of them find themselves outside of Mayfield for once, somewhere in Magical Musebox Land once again because that is where all these threads take place because that makes things easier okay. They're standing together inside a shopping mall, next to the entrance, where he took them himself-- after a second of just standing there, Japan looks down at Nadeko and gives her a small smile. ]
I decided... that today we are going to do something fun for Sengoku-san together. So then... where would she like to go first? Anywhere she wishes to at all is fine. Ah, how about the toy store?