Jun 15, 2007 23:30
I mean honestly. I'm not a expert with women or anything, but I'm fairly certain that if a girl tells you to fuck off and die. Something bad happened. She went on to further tell me that I've changed. What the hell is that all about? I don't think I have. I'm fairly certain I haven't. But that's here nor there. I'm pretty sure that my life is falling apart at the seams. My grandfather just passed away, one of my good friends' mom just passed. I think that all the death that is going on in my life really makes me second guess life. I'm not saying suicide. I never would. That's not the way to go. But I'm just saying that maybe the key to life is death. In order to completely understand where your life sits, something bad has to happen. Whether it be someone passing, a swift kick to the balls, a near death experience with heroine even, any of them seem to make you realize the purpose of people on the planet. I guess I just haven't find my nitch. Hopefully one day I'll find it, stick with it, and melt people's faces off.
Other than all the negativity going on. I've actually been pretty peachy. Right as rain. Groovy even. But all of this comes with a price (as does everything) I'm slowly starting to lose the few shreds of sanity I had left. Granted, there wasn't a whole lot lose, but I think they're fading fast. I've been smoking more cigarettes now than I think I ever have. I found that it kind of centers me. Just like my guitar, or music in general really. It just seems to make me mellow out and slow time around me. I once heard a quote that made sense to me, "Life moves pretty fast, if you don't stop and enjoy it every once in awhile, it just may pass you up." Or something along those lines. I'll admit it came from Matthew Broderick in "Ferris Bueller's Day Off," but it's just one of those moments in time where something in a movie makes complete sense.
My hat's off to all you folks. The "normal" ones. Congratulations for being the way that your creator made you. Whoever that may be.
That's all I think I can rant about, that and I'm starting to give myself a headache from the "stress" that I'm going through.