Just got this from an acquaintance who works for Hillary. Since I am apparently not biologically qualified to comment, I will simply post this while crossing my legs in fear of castration.
I find the tone of the article to be too aggressive to really make any point and I certainly will not vote for Hillary unless it's her vs. Mike Huckabee. With that said, some of the comments made are understandable to me because I am a woman, and I am a woman who is imperfect, and when you are a woman who is imperfect, especially physically, you know this and are reminded of it every day. I don't think Hillary is the be-all, end-all of womanhood in politics, nor do I believe that our society is entirely patriarchal (but you have to admit to some extent that it is), but I really do think she is being attacked on many levels that have nothing to do with her competency or intelligence and everything to do with her gender, her looks, her age, her choice of clothing, blah blah blah. I'm a chick and that's how I see it
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I agree with everything Windi said. I think the old guard feminists who are rising up in support of Clinton are just a blind as Huckabee's followers--each doesn't care who it is in office as long as they're a woman/loves jeezuz. The ultimate aim of people truly interested in equal rights should be that it doesn't matter who's in the position, as long as they do the best job. I have absolutely no doubts there are as many qualified women out there who could be president as men, especially if the 2007 candidates are were any indication. I simply think Obama is the best candidate out there and the best one to get away from Bush's "policies."
What I don't agree with is the fact that Windi was not a) cooking and b) pregnant when she wrote this. Also, women shouldn't be on the Internet, as it's not their place. We need a candidate who's willing to take a lot less talking and give Windi a little more of the back of his hand. Like me.
What I don't agree with is the fact that Windi was not a) cooking and b) pregnant when she wrote this. Also, women shouldn't be on the Internet, as it's not their place. We need a candidate who's willing to take a lot less talking and give Windi a little more of the back of his hand. Like me.
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