accidental video; open action

Oct 24, 2010 19:54

Ken's perched at his desk, as he has been for the last few hours. There's a stack of paper in front of him but he's not really paying attention to it. No, his gaze is locked on something in his lap just out of camera range, his head tilted down to peer at it. His usually mussed hair is even more so today, as if parts of it just won't lay down but he doesn't seem too bothered. In fact, there's a tiny smile on his face, if one looks close enough.

His attention is grabbed by someone off camera entering his office and a moment later, a few more papers are added to the pile. The smile fades away as quickly as it seemed to appear, replaced by a slow tilt of the head. The other officer quickly excuses himself and a moment later, Ken's hands fly up to the desk, oddly long fingers closing on part of the pile. As soon as he touches it, the papers are flung into the air, closely followed by a ripping sound before several smaller pieces flutter down. The sound is repeated before he glances over, as if just noticing the recording device.

A wicked smile blooms as he reaches for the camera, showing the long fingers are newly tipped with black claws.

"No more paperwork."

A moment later, there's a low laugh as the picture is replaced with static before it flickers out.

[ooc: Wrath demon get. Ken's on the loose and will be exiting the building as quickly as he can. Feel free to bump into him out in the city but he will not allow himself to be taken in. Expect a fight if you try to stop him. ^^]

i can haz wrath, demon, ooh shiny claws, dante's inferno, who needs bagh nahks?

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