Today's In-Context Theater!

May 08, 2009 21:16

When a forum was asked about the demographics of a colony ship they might build (as an intellectual exercise), one of the posters responded:

"Asians, purely because they tend to be smaller and thus you could pack more into a ship."

I'm at a loss to think of any particular word that appropriately describes that. That is some impressive racism. And yet, oddly hilarious. Just for the sheer random inanity of it.

You're not packing your colonists in like sardines, you gormless tit!

It's a multi-generation ship. A crew of Asians is not going to have any fewer psychological and physical needs than a crew of Americans/Europeans/Africans, etc. Putting more people into (comparatively) tighter quarters for a prolonged period is not good social planning.

It's just so... "What? No, really - what?"
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