Random updates, yay!
This video is flipping amazing, they're like the Australian versions of Flight of the Conchords!
-Almost caught up with Supernatural-Oh Sam'n'Dean'n'Cas, I missed you guys!
-Finally got a phone! And it holds music! However, the Cricket guy who sold it to me was a total creeper. He looked at my Navy peacoat and asked me if I was in the Army, because apparently the Army issues peacoats with fucking giant anchors on them, and then when I politely corrected him, he asked me why I joined the Navy, because I "look like a housewife, you know, someone who gets married and keeps house." DUDE IS LUCKY THERE WAS PEOPLE AROUND, BECAUSE I ALMOST KICKED HIM IN THE BALLS WITH MY STEEL TOED COMBAT BOOTS, FOR SURE.
-Huzzah! The pilot for the American remake of Being Human is free on iTunes! I know what I'm doing tonight!
-Today, for the first time ever, I grew a pair and asked a guy for his phone number! And I got it! Ok, yes, I kinda played it off as "oh look, I got a new phone, I need some numbers to put in it, oh hey there, can I have yours?" but still. Yay!