Oct 12, 2010 01:53
Well, I must confess my disappointment.
Was it really necessary to color another student's hair without their permission? I know there are those of you laughing openly about this, but let's please consider for a moment what life would be like with the shoe on the other foot-- you wouldn't laugh so hard if someone had made you the subject of their practical joke, would you?
Now, as we have no idea who the perpetrator is, we can't very well deduct points, but let me just say that we have our eyes on a few certain people... And of course, anyone who is able to come forward with information will be rewarded. Also, if the offending party would like to step forward on his or her own, his or her punishment will be lightened.
To everyone else not involved in this joke, I implore you to stay uninvolved and keep up with your studies. Let's find ways to practice our lessons that don't involve the harm and/or embarrassment to fellow classmates, okay?
Thank you. If anyone needs me, I'll be reading my bible in the library.
[ Filtered to all other authority figures-- this includes adults as well as other prefects and the head boy/girl. ]
Well, as much as I had hoped I wouldn't have to address my house in such a way, here is my first public warning, I guess... I hope I wasn't too harsh.
public service announcement,
celebrating coming out day in style,
gdi slytherin,
prefecty mcprefectpants