
Aug 09, 2010 03:15

Is it really so strange that I'd want to sleep on the floor as opposed to sharing a bed with someone? Most especially if the floor is comfortable... I've slept in much, much worse places before... It shouldn't be such a big deal.

[ Filtered to anyone that knows about Yukimi and Maron's current situation. ]

I'm worried... I prayed diligently, of course, but sometimes these things can't be helped, I suppose. I wish I could be of some help... I also wish I could stop feeling as if it was partially my fault. Perhaps 3 people was too much for such a small living space... maybe I caused tensions to run high? I do tend to get a bit demanding about attending mass and praying before meals, after all.

[ Strike 90% unhackable. ]

maron is my adoptive mommy, just posting for the hell of it, yukimi is my adoptive daddy

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