Feb 22, 2005 22:47
I got caught in the snow today booooooo lol. I was all cold and wet when I got home *sniffle*
Well my day tomorrow has been GREATLY turned around... lol... my dad managed to scank some footie tickets for tomorrows Derby match and as I'm a nice person and everything, thought we'd take Garton lol. Him being the freaky football fan he is.... freak lol, but he's my freak!! lol
FALLOUT BOY in like 2 days wooooo. YAYYYYYY I will be soo happy when they play Grand Theft Autumn weeeeeeee. I'm dead bummed that Gemma can't come *sobs* I <3 her oodles and toodles... I hope she's ok..... She's my bestest girlfriend everrrrrrrr... my light my star... I dunno what I'd do without her <3
There are couples everywhere!!!! It's really poop lol
I had a good driving lesson though today.... until I saw tosser Lee in a van and I was fuming... Richard was understandable though lol
Work was boring but Carols back wooooooo some life back to the party... and poor Johnny Bon is on night shift heehee
Anyway..... <3