So, I was looking through my many email inboxes this morning - morning here in the Pacific northwest; who knows what time it was for you? - and upon opening the one into which this journal feeds, what did I find? Much to my astonishment, a congratulatory email from the team running the 2008 Stargate Fan Awards!
Needless to say, I was pleasantly stunned.
The nominations were for two of my more obscure works, which is really saying something, since all of my works are pretty obscure:
Arm's Length and
Where the Flowers Have Gone. Each story takes place during the period when the Athosians were missing, and each focuses mostly on Teyla's emotional response to that situation.
I have no idea who nominated these stories - I'm guessing it's someone who is a big fan of Teyla stories! - so my thanks must necessarily be generalized. I am truly gratified that someone found something I wrote to be worthy of consideration for an award. Thank you, who- and wherever you are.