The rambling catchup post

Sep 28, 2011 22:36

Well, hello there! Yes, I'm back and by george, I intend to try updating more regularly. Not that I have more time, mind you -- but I miss everyone here, so I will just have to invent a 25th hour in the day.

That said, hope everyone is doing a little bit better than before. It seems like everyone I know, literally, is either having health issues, family problems, losing their jobs or dealing with troubles from their children. Sometimes all at once. Seriously, did someone invent a bad-luck virus and pass it around to us all?

I survived the hurricane (obviously) and also the remnants of Lee the next weekend. Wish I could say the same for my apartment building's roof. They installed a new one just before the storms, because we on the top floor had serious leaking in our ceilings. (I had a 2 by 3 foot spreading stain in my bedroom, and slept on the couch for a week!)

We went through the two storms and hey, no leaks! I was ecstatic. Until last week when I opened the laundry/storage closet, where it had never leaked before and found -- you got it, a stain. A MOLDING stain. They had to cut that section of the ceiling out. A definite ewwwww moment. And then it rained again over the weekend and hey, another leak. And it rained last night (and it's raining now) and I've got a third leak. Apparently the new roof has issues. As I'm writing this, I am sitting in the one clean spot in my apartment -- everything has been removed from the closet and is stacked around the living room. I look at it as an opportunity to go through all the boxes and get rid of all the unneeded stuff so that when I find my great new job, I'll be ready to relocate in a flash with minimum fuss and muss.

Yes, I'm looking. It's time. More on that later.

Meanwhile, I've got to kick back and get over tonight's episode of Law & Order UK. Damnit, why do they always have to kill off Jamie's characters? Can't say that I feel anything for the new guy -- I tried but, meh.

Kind of the way I'm feeling about this entire TV season. NCIS, NCIS LA and Criminal Minds all kind of turned me off towards the end of last season, and I can't say the new season's opening episodes redeemed the shows. I don't think I'll be watching them for much longer. Doctor Who is wrapping up its season this weekend, and then, except for Luther and The Clone Wars, there really doesn't seem to be much that I'll be watching. And Clone is available online. I'm trying to decide, yet again, whether it's worth it keeping the cable. I mean, I do like BBC America, but can I really justify an $80 cable bill each month to watch a few episodes of Luther? For that amount, I could buy a LOT of DVDs.

The only redeeming feature about tonight's episode of UK is that, finally, the plot bunnies woke up. I'm back to writing fan fic. I don't want to say I had writer's block -- that to me seems like a copout. But I couldn't seem to bring an idea to completion in a satisfactory manner. No problem today -- I desperately don't want Matt Devlin dead, so the bunnies cooperated.

I'm back to doing yoga, and walking/running (okay, jogging slowly). Eating healthy and working on getting back in shape. I'm having to do it on my own -- I just can't get to the gym on a regular basis, but I can do things before and after work at the apartment in 20-minute batches.

And I am almost -- almost -- caught up on the reading backlog. I'm been doing an hour a night, and am just racing through the books. Just sent a bunch off to Amazon for credit -- and ordered by Law & Order UK season 2 DVDs.

Off to finish a fic to post. Have fun all!

fandom: law & order uk, catching up, television

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