Sep 21, 2010 20:53
When I see DADT I always think 'Defense Against the Dark Arts'. idk it is not even the same acronym. =_=
The elements of yaoi unreality in Ono Natsume's work tend to take me by surprise, even though they turn up in almost everything. Like:
N's mum:Yeah everyone in this restaurant is a glasses-wearing ossan.
N's mum: idk I think it's kinda hot :D.*
I guess I have this idea of her as a realistic writer because she does certain kinds of emotional realism a) very sensitively and b) a lot. Maybe also because the anime of House of Five Leaves was the first work of hers I saw? which ... probably wasn't more consistent re: levels of realism than anything else, actually, but Edo-period Japan is a standard fantasy setting in a way that contemporary Italy, er, isn't. So with the former you don't end up expecting indie-film-brand realism. Anyway, my favourite is when the characters are very guarded and very vulnerable at the same time :D. As well as being able to relate I think this is totally moe. XD; Also I have a massive hard-on for the art style. It is so expressive! ♥ I LOVE EVERYONE BECAUSE OF THEIR PUPPYDOG EYES.
*And this is from Ristorante Paradiso which is not even BL, but if there's a better way to put it, you tell me.