religon really isn't a work topic

Aug 23, 2007 14:43

Ok for the last hour or so two of my co-workers have been discussing their respctive religons with basicaly the topic of why mine is better. Now both amadou and Roseina are from Africa. Amadou is Muslim and Roseina is Catholic. So aside from internal my country is better than your county arguments they have (which can get funny) they have been talking religon.

The highlights have been Amadou explain why killing some one who has killed another is a great Muslim law, Rosina saying to him that his religon makes people depend on the Mosque and brainwashes people (which is damn funny coming froma catholic i went to Catholic school i know a thing or two about brainwashing) and both of them pointing out the bad things that their prsepctive religons have caused. (it was a tie when it came to the crusades. they agreed the Cristians started it but the Muslims made it keep going.)

i finally had to ask them to stop because it really wasn't a topic for the work place and it was starting to become not friedly.

i am a Christian. I may not go to church much (baptists bad em k) but i hold my faith as important to me. I will NEVER make it a topic at work. man....what a day.

religon, work

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