Feb 05, 2012 21:01
AH ah ah ah ah... mmmmm here in Keck family, we arent fan of any sports. So football superbowl is out! heh heh
anyway been working my ass off studying for biology. I have gotten most of them already but i am still afraid that I studied the wrong section and end up fail the whole exam. There is 50 questions and it is 50 min exam which means I have to do 1 question per min. crazy huh?
I really want to pass this course since it is my major and I need to be able to have all the knowledge to be able to teach at high school, otherwise the students will insult me dumbass if I ever teach the wrong thing. lol.. naw, it wont happen since i love science, (chem is not my subject).
Megsie is on medication for her ear infection, I know i posted on facebook that it was cassie but whoops, it is really megsie, not cassie. wrong girl posted. She will get hearing test this thursday to see if she pass it or not since she got ear infection twice and both are too close together, so the dr was kinda worried about her ear. It is only in one ear so if she has hearing loss, it will be in that ear. But it dont matter either way if she lost some hearing or not, she is my daughter and I love her no matter what.
Now it is 9 pm and I better crawl into bed so I can get some good sleep before the huge first exam in the morning.
BTW congrats to tara! Cant wait to see wedding :)