Apr 08, 2011 20:28
That topic is ABORTION. I am pretty sure you know by now on my facebook status what i am talking about and those who know me pretty well knows that I am pro life
Abortion is murder PERIOD. let me explain. When I went into the dr office for songram since there was something wrong with me, they told me that i am 7 week pregnant and guess what??? It shows HEARTBEAT right there on the screen. at SEVEN WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! a heartbeat!!!! I have seen it myself, my terp saw it too, the songram tech said it is heartbeat and there it is moving, in a beat, that is a heart. so therefore who decide to abortion is a killer period. no matter what reason that is. Other than to save women life then that is fine but for stupid reason like cant afford or dont want kid or other reason is selfish reason. If that person did not want a child in the first place then take measure like being on birth control or have tube tied or use condom..
I am really tired of aruging with people who thinks it is the best choice. dont they even relaize there are families out there who CAN NOT HAVE KIDS on their own and want to adopt??? I am thanksful that my mother gave me up and my adoption family adopted me, otherwise i wont be here at all. Eventho I hate my real birth mother right now, i am still glad i am still alive. Who knows what will it be like without me here, my kids, my husband, my best friends so on....
I dont care if you hate me for this but ABORTION is MURDER period!
Frankly I am glad that the health care reform has passed to the point where insurance can support or not support abortion, have the women pay extra to have that addition on insurance and MOST of the insurance do not cover abortion so therefore if women want to have abortion on the policy, they have to pay extra to have it on the policy. that is good part, also i found out that medical care do not cover it either. Only place that provide free abortion is at planned parenthood. some of the clinic do not provide it, some do. I support planned parenthood place where they do not provide it but give some help to women who needs help on childcare, adoption and so on. Those who provide it is on my bad list.
Maybe we should pass the law called ONE CHILD PER FAMILY like china does, that way less unwanted kids being born. lesspeople using up the earth's resource so we will have lot left to survive on.