Modelling geekyness

Apr 12, 2009 19:00

So been painting some more of my 'nids so thought I'd take a few pics of my full army. Still only about half painted however.

Also finished painting my new(ish) Hive Tyrant.

But since I can have an often small attention span at times I've also started on a modelling/painting project for my own amusement. For those that know this stuff its based on the First Founding space marine chapters before the Horus Heresy. So the original colour schemes, this mainly applies to the traitor legions as their the ones that changed their army colour schemes the most.

First up are the World Eaters - original colour scheme White with blue details and shoulder pads.

Following them are the Emperor's Children - the only chapter at the time allowed to have the imperial eagle on their armour, original colour Purple/pink with Yellow detail

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