Dec 31, 2005 04:12
2005 has been one of the best.
drama with giulio and bianca, pretending we were geraldine on drugs. martin thinking he was oh so glam! and sarah being the only authentic one.
that cold cold friday night with rhyan.
then that cathouse! thinking it was tops, realizing it wasn't. craggy upstairs, ricardo in the hall and 1, 2, 3, 4 for nicole. being with nicole. walking home on a saturday night along edinburgh road talking about ourselves and other people.
watching american idol. buzzzzzzzzin.
animal farm. not rehearsed, over-dramatized. big martino taking a fit cozza' it. disappointment.
summer of 2k5. nathalie.
cala d'or with giulio. the girl on the other seat, giving her a campino. being locked out and big I DON'T KNOW HER NAME coming to let us in. the naked scandanavian toddlers runnin' it around the pool. those ugly fools in that ugly shop which sold novelty dicks and vaginas. the crepe lady and her spanish carrie bradshaw. LOOKIE LOOKIE MAN. a gathering light at the beach. lunch at the same place. FACTOR DUFFEL COAT AND HIS SPROG. the betinas, having half realistic gashes, and baldy heads. BaCaRdI bReEzErZz before the taxi. stealing bianca's bag and lucy's too. auld boy sitting next to us and my betina making an appearance.
big brother usa. great. janelle and kaysar. SOVEREIGN 6!
days at kelvingrove, sun blistering and feeeeeeelin' pretty mad. brilliant days.
COSMETIC, HAHA, surgery. thinking my hair would rip out with the bandages.
school again. then there was daviepie! good where it ended. STOP WHILE YOU'RE AHEAD, EH?? x factor.
work experience, ha. that was good. clare and isabella. the slug in the salad.
turning fifteen, and it wasn't anything fabbb. halloween, having the olritee neighbours in stitches.
winter, and the good times.
prelims. stressed out to the top.
holidays and then christmas with the bissette side.
now a new year. 2006.