Hello Beautiful People

Jun 05, 2004 15:30

Hey you guys...

i havent updated in such a long time and i just wanted to call everyones attention to my new ULTIMATELY sexy new LJ layout.. thanks to the one and only Emily. Kudos and all that jazz. thanks mucho.

sorry ive been having total ADD with LJ.. everytime i try to update i forget about it and go do something else.. leaving my LJ to ruins.

forgive me.

nothing much has happened... however my obsessions for the year has drastically switched on from the swan to his other half. only few know what i mean. *cough*

i just think i need a guy becuase im beginning to feel pretty alone. i have no friends. except of course for the people readin this journal. *sigh*

i think there is also something severly wrong with me BECAUSE i fail to get ANYONE remotley good looking interested.
i hate myself and my flab and my face. i look in the mirror and i cant stand what i see, and i am almost always on the verge of tears from what i see. if only i could do something about it. i want to dye my hair a different color. LOL as if that'll help with my image.

i dont even know what to do anymore for this feeling of emptyness never leaves my heart.

i cry over nothing.

i wish i had a best friend.

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