(no subject)

Mar 20, 2005 00:36

Today was so much fun.

I got to sleep in...well as long as Ubid would allow me to... At 10 this morning, I hear her pawing on a piece of paper [[she has a habit of pissing on paper *eww*]] so I panic and jump out of bed like a Bean shot out of a canon just to find that she was messing with the "Constitution". I was going to throw her if she pissed in my room again.

Dad took me to Blockbuster to rent the Brave Little Toaster so I could watch it with Ian, and when he was waiting for me to get out of the truck, I was watching a van trying to parallel park, and in the processes, they hit the red porsche (sp?) that was parked behind them. Luckily for them there was no damage done. Then I went to Kragen with Pappy and Nana came over and blah blah.

Ian came over, we watched the Toaster, but I decided during the movie that the toaster shouldn't get all of the credit for being brave. All of the fucking appliances are brave in that movie..Fuck, they all do the same thing as the toaster does...JEEZE. I think they should change the movie title to The Brave Little House Appliances. Yes..that would be great.

We went and picked up fight club. That movie is so good *Drool*. Marla makes too much noise while she's getting fucked. Then we went for a walk, and called Bean to see if we were going to meet up.

Hehe I got Ian to merengue and salsa with me. I love to dance..and for not knowing how to salsa, he did pretty good ^_^!

Bean called us back, and we met at Chrispy's house. HOLY CHRISTE! HE HAS THE NICEST HOUSE EVER! Everything was marble and beautiful, and he has his own fucking guesthouse room thingy with a FRIDGE and antique furniture and shit. OMG. I'm so jealous. After about an hour of listening to the original DAG mess around on bass, guitar, and drums..and the occasional growl from Dom, Chrispy left his room for a minute to go back down to the main house, and Dom put on porn. Watching porn in with a group of people is the funniest thing ever. Then Chrispy came back and we watched the Dolphin scene from Shark Tale about 5 times. Ya...what can we say..we're very diverse in what we watch? lol.

we all went to Jack in the Box...

Bean and I were smart when we sat away from the table. It was so obnoxious when they started screaming WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS SHIT! or FUCK! or even when Dom put tomatoe and a bunch of other things from their food on his face and then walked up to the counter to ask for napkins. Never going to Jack in the Box with them ever again...

Ian and I chilled in front of my house for about a half hour in the car just talking. It's so nice talking to him, because it's not hard to start a conversation with him.

Now I'm sitting here in my room looking at the reject nail that broke. It really hurts. I'm debating on whether or not I should tear the rest of them off [[the acrylics]] Mom still isn't home, and Dad is sleeping.

I think I'm going to go lie down now. *g'night*
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