We Are Cold, Still

Apr 02, 2006 17:21

So my new lover is Andrew Largeman aka Zach Braff in Garden State... I watched it 3 times today because I'm doing it for my english assesment and the more I watch it the more I realise how perfectly awkward he is. And I never knew that Zach Braff wrote AND produced as well as acted in Garden State... which makes me love him as an actor even more... so diverse. I like his writing style too.

So last night I got pretty damaged... it wasn't the greatest concert I've been to. I shall elaborate.
Behind Crimson Eyes were first and we only saw like their last song and a half but they had a fucking backing track and they were shit... I was so disappointed cos I don't mind their recorded stuff but I was quite turned off by that. Anyway then My Awesome Compilation came on from the UK and I really liked them... they were just straight-up rock. Enjoyable.
Fightstar was next and I was really bored during their set, all their songs sounded the same.
Then Funeral For A Friend came on and they were good. But the mosh was really intense... I have so many injuries and I've noticed a trend in that every rock concert I go to I get hit in the head...
at Greenday it was like a full water bottle, Taking Back Sunday I got elbowed (hard may I add), Coheed&Cambria some guy and I bashed heads and this one I got hit a few times as well as getting an ice cube in the side of my face... haha not cool. But yes back to the crowd... they were pushy and not a terribly nice crowd... they were very unapproachable too. The crowd adds so much to he experience and if it's a shit crowd then you dont' have the greatest time... anyway people continue to baffle me with their stupidity so I've come up with a

1. Ladies (or males with long hair); if going in the mosh pit, tie your hair up... especially if your hair is long and disgustingly frizzy and dirty. Other people don't like getting your hair in their mouths.
2. Don't wear thongs if you plan on dancing/moshing/being in crowded places. Does this need explaining? I am shocked when I see people doing this... it's just beyond comprehension if you're in a mosh pit.
3. When moving in & out of mosh pits/weaving through/whatever you may call it, say excuse me. If you step on someone while walking past say sorry or something of the like... manners children manners.
4. Don't bring backpacks/handbags into the mosh pit. They are an annoyance to everyone as they take up room and knock people in the face. That's why venues provide cloak rooms.
I could add to this with all the little things that pissed me off last night; but if you follow all my rules then you won't annoy me haha. which I see as logic but other people obviously need it to be pointed out to them.

OH!! And I saw this girl Porshca who I used to catch the bus with when I was in like year 6 or year 7 and I just remember her as a little girl (she's a yr younger) as you do, but she was so grown up and smoking!! It's quite daunting but she's a cool kid and just lives up the road from me so I may go visit her from time to time.

And that's pretty much all folks...
I'm really NOT looking forward to this week of school. I have lots of work to do now so cheerio friends.
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