Mar 20, 2006 03:37
thx all for so much love and support. it really really helps...
we still don't know what happened...will have to wait for the medical examiner. it hits me at the oddest times, but most of the time, it just doesn't seem all that real. granted, she lived in austin so we didn't get to talk enough, but it's funny the things you suddenly realize you wanted to share. she's the only one in the family who's ever been through something like i have. never had to try to explain myself to her...never had to worry about how i came across. just knew she loved me.
at any rate, i owe a lot of folks some good phone time, and since i managed to either break or severely sprain a few fingers today, no worries you'll have to make do w/ online for awhile. my heart is warmer and a lot less empty thanks to all of you.
*zen hugs*