Fic Exchange Roundup and Reveal!

Sep 28, 2010 04:10

  (Sorry for the wait, people! *slaps owns wrist*)

Here we go!

753 was written by anneka_neko  for raging_raven 
A Kiss Is Still a Kiss (As Time Goes By) was written by viceindustrious  for yoru_no_envy 
A Mental Exercise was written by nirejseki  for serpentsign 
A Ritual in Three Parts was written by nirejseki  for linndechir 
Black Paternoster was written by viceindustrious  for linndechir 
Bloodstains was written by unsettledink  for linndechir 
Boots was written by unsettledink  for linndechir 
Close Call was written by yoru_no_envy  for the_me09 
Consonance was written by viceindustrious  for anneka_neko 
In Conclusion, Let Me Just Say This was written by nirejseki  for unsettledink 
Merrily, Merrily, Merrily was written bynirejseki  for secret_smile19 
Of Statues and Chalk was written by secret_smile19  for inamac 
On the Nature of Sinning was written by serpentsign  for nirejseki 
One More Time was written by nirejseki  for anneka_neko /the_me09 
Racing Certainty was written by inamac  for unsettledink 
Racing Certainty - Coda was written by inamac  for unsettledink 
Unmasking was written by the_me09  for viceindustrious 
Untitled was written by linndechir  for rufussama

Phew! That's a lot of fic! I had a great time guys and I hope you all did too!♥  

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