Fic exchange update!

Apr 03, 2010 21:34

(...Again. I'm sorry to the people who aren't participating, I hope none of you are too sick of me yet. XD)

Please let me know if you haven't received your assignment, so we can check and make sure I have the correct E-mail address for you.

REMEMBER! This is a secret-santa type exchange! So please do not contact your giftee with any questions about their fic! I have given you usernames so you can stalk their journal all you want to get a feel for their preferences, but if you have a question you need answered, please contact me and I will contact them and get back to you.

Any other questions, always feel free to PM or E-mail me! Fic exchange related or not. :)

Another note about the fic exchange, remember that the final date to withdraw is Saturday, May 1st. Just let me know before then that you won't be able to participate anymore, no questions asked, no pressure, and I will arrange for something else for your giftee.

A list of betas will be up shortly, just don't choose your giftee. ;)

Send in your stories anytime between now and May 15th and posting will begin then! I can't wait to see what everyone creates! :D

fic exchange info post, mod post!

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