(no subject)

May 06, 2009 00:58

Hello my friends out there in LJ land. I'm working on a new post, and while I'm writing it, I suppose that I could share a few quick thoughts with you here and now.

I'm waiting for either the DHS, FBI, Sheriff's Dept., or even my local P.D. to come and detain me. I made a twitter post to a feed at http://twitter.com/bl4ckw0lf that I had access to information that told me about nitroglycerin in high school. It was a book at the high school. Now, obviously, I've never had need to act on that information, nor do I think that I would need to. But I also made mention that my entire high school class had access to that book, because the chemical dictionary, quite possibly this one linked here, printed in 1981, could have been the book in my high school science classroom. Note, classroom. Mr. Slicer was my teacher. You getting this you electronic sig-int? Anyway, I just looked up the link on Amazon, and there are a few more. Four links in the top listings. It goes down to shampoo ingredients and stuff, but I didn't look at that. Nothing more than a kid who plays with transformers in high school wants to know than what's in strawberry suave shampoo and conditioners. Am I right? I don't think so. I'm not going to bother to link to the four references, but I'm going to link to the amazon search. How about that for efficiency? Has to be better than what IBM did in WWII for the Germans in tracking the Jews that they took capture.

But I'm digressing a lot. I had a few thoughts. A new news service. Of the people, by the people and for the people. I figure that local committees could be started, gathering together to get state committees going, and then even a national news committee that could be put together and offer validation for the local news affiliates. I mean, the press would need credentials at all levels of this effort. I doubt that it could be called the "Anarchist News Press," But something interesting. Something that would just report the news as it answers to the five "W"s and the "H". Who, what, when, where, why and how. Me, news agency, all over the place and into government's face, because current news agencies are biased to both sides and not centered at all to the actual news story or details. The how? Copy the structure of groups that have local, state and national organizations. The Red Cross, The Salvation Army, AmVets, VFW, and the likes. Yes, it would have to be held accountable. Severe internal auditing, and accreditation processes would have to be in place to ensure that it doesn't become a severely biased soft news agency. But individuals would apply to become local contractors. The governing board and members group made up of the local contractors. The state board would be made up of elected members of the local contractors, and the national group having the same makeup. Elected members of the local contractors. No spokesperson. Completely internal appointments of anchorpeople and the such from the local contractors.

Anyway, where was I?

I am wondering if I am truly free, or am I in a police state.

What is the federal reserve system? Is it really and truly of the federal government? Is it the conspiracy that is made to recreate the old country European feudal system?
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