paranoid patriotism

Apr 28, 2009 13:24

Some people have been talking to me, expecting the next paranoid delusional attack on this administration. Well, I suppose this could fit. The swine flu. The current strain of H151, which at the best, uh. Attributing to a source in Reuters UK, which stated that a WHO official, if I'm correct, has said that, 'He has never seen a mixture of avian, swine and human strains in one bug at one time which leads him to think that this is a man made infection.' And as such, it could possibly contain all of the capabilities of being easily transferred creating a global pandemic that various Hollywood movies have predicted. Maybe going as far as "The Andromeda Strain." However, the most recent Dustin Hoffman (movie) "Outbreak" could have the same effect. Let's just hope that there is no use of the Fuel Air Bomb.

Now, for the conspiracy part. If this was indeed manufactured and smuggled out, not so much as the "Captain Trips" fashion that Stephen King set forth. Maybe accidentally breaking a vial, as it could have been in the Vin Diesel "XXX" movie, for the 'Silent-Night-terrorist-plot.' But something to wholly destabilize the United States. But my point is this.

If a foreign entity, (such as) "dredge on(?).com" or maybe even possibly someone as rich as George Shoros had a mad on against the U.S. that destabilizing the population with a pathogen that would allow a President who is as unschooled as the current one. Obama, that one. That has no idea what to do, except to let the U.N. in. In doing so, taking away basic human, American rights set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Now, if that's not a paranoid suggestion, then what could it be.

The crazy thing is, is that it seems that releasing this in Mexico at the height of spring break does not require terrorists to be infected and sent across the border as several other movies have been depicted in doing so. Even a T.V. show, uhm, what was that, "Criminal Minds" perhaps, or some other movie, where they tried to infiltrate an airport. Maybe it was "N.C.I.S." But anyway, the thing is this. Having the flu infecting American tourists on spring break who then unwillingly bring it back. Not only spread something like that so far across the United States, but even infiltrating the airports that were used to leave Mexico and (enter) into the United States. Would further spread this virus into whatever demonic plans the perpetrators had in mind.

Now if that's not a paranoid thought, then I don't know what is. But if it's not a paranoid thought, then it's my idea, and I want the Hollywood movie rights.

Thank you, good luck, good night, may God bless the U.S.A. And may God let the sun rise on the U.S.A. for another day.

paranoid patriotism

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