Fanfic: To Keep a Wolf (Syfy's Being Human)

Feb 17, 2011 18:05

Title: To Keep a Wolf
Characters: Josh/Aidan, Sally
Rating/Genre: PG-13, humor, pre-slash, AU
Spoilers: None
Summery: Josh wakes to having wolf ears and tail. As time passes he becomes more wolf/dog like. Aidan and Sally have a lot on their hands, especially Aidan.
A/N: Written for a prompt posted in beinghumankink . My first contribution to this fandom.

Josh woke with a loud yawn, slammed his alarm off, and dragged himself from bed. )

josh, being human, aidan

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fantasysci5 February 18 2011, 02:23:58 UTC
Aw God, this was hilarious. Josh acting like a puppy-liked being pet, bouncing his leg, his tong lolling out, ripping the newspaper. So adorable. Can someone draw a picture of Josh like this...PLEASE?!

"Squirrel!" Oh god, that cracked me up! And Josh acting like a kicked puppy when reprimanded. "Bad dog". Aww, poor Josh. But oh God, how is Josh supposed to work? Just stay at home and trash the place while Aidan works? lol :P

This whole fic is a whole lot of win! :D


blackwolf1480 February 18 2011, 02:37:27 UTC
Your comment just made my night, seriously <3

I tried to make it as hilariously ridiculous as possible without getting too cracky, and I'm glad I could make you laugh! The squirrel part was inspired by the movie 'UP!' haha.

I would also LOVE to see this drawn. I wish I could draw :(

I have no idea how he's going to work. Poor Josh. His social life just flew out the door I guess! But he'll always have Aidan :)


fantasysci5 February 18 2011, 03:08:52 UTC
I'm glad I could make your night; your fic made mine. :) I just had to squee about it. And it was the perfect balance of not being too serious or too cracky; hard with this prompt. :P

Yeah, I thought the squirrel part was from Up. lol We need to get the word around in the fandom that we want someone to draw this. I wonder if we have any artists here?

And he doesn't need a life-he's got Aidan as his best friend AND his future lover. Who need's more? :P


blackwolf1480 February 18 2011, 04:57:55 UTC
Awww, thank you!

I hope we can find some artists. If not, recruiting time!

Lol, so very, very true ;)


blackwolf1480 February 18 2011, 05:59:42 UTC
fantasysci5 February 18 2011, 17:22:52 UTC
Oh wow, that's freaky. We now have art AND fic for this awesome idea! :P I kind of wanted a more anime-puppy Josh, though. lol


blackwolf1480 February 18 2011, 17:29:40 UTC
A chibi one would be adorable. I contacted the artist and it was she who made the prompt to begin with, so it's actually not coincidence, lol.


fantasysci5 February 18 2011, 17:32:51 UTC
Awww, a chibi wolf-Josh would be adorable!!!! *cries to the universe for one*


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