Hello again, I'm feeling much less emo now, lol.
The other day I was looking through a listing of different vampire groups, and I found a group that was on yahoo groups, so I figured I'd apply for membership, as I'm always looking for new people to talk to about vampirism. I haven't checked my email in a couple of days, so when I did check it, I was surprised to see that they had emailed me a survey to complete. They wanted me to write at least 3 sentences for each question, and I definitely did that, heh, but as I was writing it, I decided that it would be a very good way to get out my opinions on the matter as well as potentially be useful to someone else. So, I decided to post it to livejournal, and see what comes of it.
What is your definition of “vampire?”
To me, a vampire is someone who needs to consume energy other than the energy they can gain from consuming food to survive. This energy, call it chi or prana or whatever you want, can be consumed in many, many ways, though the currently most "popular" methods are through drinking or sipping blood and by the consumption of psychic energy, though sexual energy, emotional energy, and energy from plants and animals are also acceptable sources for certain individuals. There are also people who are what I would consider "lifestylers" in that they dress up and act out a romanticized, popularized idea of what vampires are according to what they have seen in the movies. While this isn't by any means a bad thing or a lesser thing, I wouldn't consider them vampires because they do it for fashion, fun, passion, or sexual stimulation and not because they require the energy to survive.
Do you believe that there are different types of vampires? If so, what types and define these types. If not, why not?
You know, I don't really know, I've never thought about it. At first instinct I would like to say that yes, there are different types of vampires in that there are different ways in which a need for energy can be created within a vampire. I think that some individuals, such as the Kheprians, have chosen to alter their subtle bodies and essentially create vampirism in themselves for whatever reasons they had. I believe that other individuals, such as myself, are suffering from a deficiency that has more to do with a disease or a condition of life. I do not believe that psychic and sanguinary vampires count as "different types" because I think regardless of our methods, the fact that vampires need to draw energy is what unites them as a whole, and technique is just a matter of personality, choice, and the ways in which we see the world around us.
Do you believe vampires are human or non-human? Why?
That's a tricky question too, because I believe that there can be both "human" and "non-human" vampires. For example, I have noticed that there is a large co-morbidity between vampirism and otherkin. An otherkin, by strictest definition, feels that they are Other than human, so it is possible that you can be Other than human as well as a vampire. In general, though, I'd say that most if not all vampires are residing in human bodies and therefore are humans. I've never seen any proof that vampires have special DNA markers or uniformly carry the same diseases, so I'd say that on the whole they're all human. Though it probably would be fascinating to investigate as science progresses to see what the facts really are.
Do you believe that normal humans can be made into vampires? If so, how do you believe this is accomplished? If not, why not?
No, I don't believe that most human beings can be made into vampires, at least not in this day and age. I think that a long time ago, when magic was much more prevalent and people were more concerned with the fantastical that it might have been possible, if you had a very strong will and a good sense of how magic works. But in this day and age, we are surrounded by people who refuse to believe in anything that isn't provable by science or by experience, and that creates an atmosphere of disbelief in which grand acts of willpower or magic are snuffed out before they're even attempted.
Do you believe all vampires need to consume blood? Why or why not?
No, I do not believe that all vampires need to consume blood, primarily because I've seen many vampires (and am a vampire myself) who do not need to consume blood. I do believe that some people, because of their personalities or the way that they were introduced to vampires, or even because they believed the stereotypes of vampires that they saw in movies, have convinced themselves that they must consume blood to feel satiated and content. I think that's simply a personal matter and so long as they're not hurting themselves or others, it's not any of my concern.
Do you believe that all vampires need to consume energy? Why or why not?
This I do believe, because as I stated before, I think that's what makes a vampire a vampire, the need to consume energy that isn't consumed through traditional food. I think in this case, it's simply a matter of semantics, because if there were a being that needed to consume energy that we didn't have a word for, I know that I at least would default to saying that it is a vampiric entity, regardless of it's other traits. And again, whether or not they are consuming this energy via sexual interaction, blood, emotional energy, or simple force of will, they are still consuming energy.
Define "energy" as it relates to vampirism.
Energy, I think, is the same regardless of what sphere you place it in. Energy is what makes the world up, literally. We wouldn't have stars or planets or people or Big Macs without energy. Energy makes up mass, it makes up movement, it makes up heat and light. It's everywhere in everything, which is why some vampires have the ability to draw in the energy of the world without actively taking from a person in specific. I also believe that when a vampire consumes energy they are simply transferring it to the necessary components of their life... They warm up their hands, for example, or make their movements easier. Energy is constantly changing form, so it doesn't seem far fetched at all to think that vampires can consciously change it.
Do you believe in "psychic/psionic" abilities? If so, do you believe these abilities to be intrinsic to vampires? Why or why not?
I do believe in psychic abilities, but I think that psychic abilities are intrinsic to everyone, not just vampires. I do not believe in "the supernatural" or anything that seems to imply that something in this world is not here for a reason. The human brain is a complicated, interesting thing that we still, regardless of our advanced technology and sciences, do not completely understand. Your average human is using only 10% of their brains potential at any given time, just as they are using only 15% of their average muscle potential at any given time. In dire emergencies, the body allows the muscles to exert their full potential in order to protect itself, and this is the circumstance which allows little house wives to lift SUV's off their children, or hikers to roll giant boulders off their foot. The problem is that when the muscles use 100% of their potential, it exerts such extreme force that the muscle is literally torn away from the bone, and sometimes even shreds itself. Needless to say, this could never happen all the time. I think it's the same way with the brain... If we were to use more of our brains potential, who knows what we could do? I believe that those of us who have tapped into our psychic potential are using just a little bit more of our brain power than those of us who haven't, and therefore everyone can do it, should they just try and learn to break down whatever barriers are preventing them.
Describe the relationship between average people and vampires, in your experience.
Hmmm. I really don't know what a relationship would be like, as I think it depends on the people involved ultimately. I have many friends who are normal or average, and we get along fine. Some of them even know about my vampirism, and they don't really care. But I can see how it would wind up in a painful termination of a relationship due to fear, paranoia, and misunderstandings. It's kind of like being gay... If you tell someone you are gay, no matter how close they are to you, it can either wind up with the person saying "Yeah, I know and I accept you for who you are" or with the person saying "I hate you, you're not my friend/sister/etc I want nothing to do with you."
Do you believe vampires have a special place in society? If so, what is that place? If not, why not?
No more or less so than anyone else in this world. Everyone has a role that they're meant to fill and a duty they're meant to complete. Call it fate, call it dharma, call it whatever you want, but we all have paths that we're supposed to walk down. Vampires just have a slight disability in that they're seen as the fringes of society. But that doesn't make us evil, special, or purple elephants, we still are what we are and do what we do.
So yeah, that's it. I hope you like it, I know I put a lot of thought into it. Took me about 45 minutes to write, though, so I'm not positive all the grammar is perfect, heh.
Much love,