Jan 17, 2004 18:35
Hmm, here I am. I've not actually written anything in a year or so, outside of a rather dubious piece of couseling on the subject of in-laws to wyvernwell.
I've decided to put something down regularly (if not frequently). A sort of an excercise in who I am at this moment in time. A neat idea for a day when my kids and wife may want to see what Daddy was REALLY thinking when he was trying to become the person he will eventually become.
Where to start... I guess a bit on what I believe, or at least am pretty sure about.
I believe in Truth, Justice and the Milky Way, and that I'm not likely see much of any of those three in my lifetime.
I believe that every generation thinks that they have discovered sex, despite thousands of generations as evidence to the contrary.
I believe that every generation thinks that they discover a deeper truth. Despite the fact that "propinquity" only means that "birds of a feather flock together".
I believe that people are the most powerful force on this planet at this time in history. They are the focus of all power and the fulcrum of all activity. It is therefore incredibly stupid to not spend a significant part of your life learning about them, and how and why they do the things they do.
I believe that humans are not really that smart. After all, we only compare ouselves to animals and they have small (or no) frontal lobes with which to think up arguments to debate the point. Humans are good communicators, however, and spend a great deal of time explaining why they can't do things instead of doing the smart thing which is to attempt to do it and either succeed or learn what doesn't work.
I believe that faith is a necessary component to peace of mind. If you do not learn to have faith in something then you will be insecure on a critically deep level. This is not an easy task for anyone who wasn't taught (or indoctrinated, as you wish) at an early enough age to not question having faith in something.
I believe that anything that isn't completely impossible is utterly inevitable. And it just may have happened last week.
I had no idea that I believed in so few things. I don't know if I like my format here, but it'll evolve with time.
--Rob "Blackwillem"