
Jan 17, 2009 18:11

I haven't been on Live Journal in forever - MySpace has taken up my mind and that's all I read. Although, I am also on Facebook now and trying to figure that one out too. So, it was with great delight that I read (on Facebook) that supergoober (I've been away from LJ too long to remember how to do the names) is having a baby! And a girl at that! Well, I just have to say Congratulations to them. They will make wonderful parents! So musically inclined, this child will have so much music and love... it makes me want to weep.

I'm also really, really tired, fatigued, lethargic, you name it from my chemo treatment on Wednesday. Blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I only feel well enough now to post something because I just ate. I can't really TASTE food these days (only a horrible disgusting taste in my mouth) but, my body still wants me to eat, so, that's good. I was thinking that I might lose some weight having cancer, but, that hasn't happened yet. So, that's good.

I'm also eating whatever the hell I want - which still isn't much, but, includes cookies, candy and ice cream! I'm making up for the fact that I can't really drink much alcohol, which, I suppose is a good thing, but, I do miss my glass of beer occasionally.

I'm going to see the surgeon on Tuesday who will hopefully send me to get an MRI and then sign me up for surgery to get this tumor out. It's definitely shrunk and I'm soooo glad and hopeful that he won't have to take out too much tissue and therefore leave my boob looking like it has a huge indent in it. Right where you can see it too, if I wear a bodice/corset. Sighhhhh.

Of course, some of you already know all this crap because I write about it on MySpace. I just felt the need to read LJ and write a little bit.

I'm going to try and stay up tonight to watch a silly movie while Russ goes to play in the band. I couldn't possibly go with him because of my condition, also, it is supposed to be like below zero or something tonight. Okay, maybe not THAT cold, but, still. Cold enough!

I didn't go to the barn today to see my horse cause of this fatigue. I'm hoping I can maybe go out there tomorrow to see her. I doubt I will ride though. Don't want to fall off cause I don't have the strength to grip the reins or her sides. If I just touch her with a heel, she starts to trot. Maybe next week, I can get out and ride her. She certainly needs to be ridden.

I'm sure in another day or so, I will start to feel better again. Chemo really does kick your ass! I'm also bald - in case anyone wanted to know. My sister shaved my head for me when my hair started falling out in clumps. It's just little stubble now. It will grow back once I stop the chemo and then, after the lumpectomy, I will have to have chemo again and it will all fall out again. For those wondering - it's coming in blond. Yep, I really am a blond (like some people couldn't/didn't figure THAT one out heh, heh, heh) My Mom and Aunt do not want me to color my hair again, but, I really liked being a redhead, so, we'll see. If the blond isn't a pretty blond then it's gonna GO!

I'm a little late, but, I do hope that everyone on LJ that reads this blog had happy holidays and will have a great New Year!

Speaking of New Year, Russ and I just celebrated our 26th wedding anniversary on Thursday! It was also the day of my long awaited disability hearing! We definitely do weird things on January 15! One year, I had my tonsils out on my anniversary!

I have been waiting for a hearing for disability since I filed in March of 2006. 3 years later and it finally happens. I'm not sure the judge is going to go for it though. Maybe I'll get disability for one year because of the cancer, but, not sure about the other. That's such a bummer. I need a bail out! I definitely couldn't work for that time and I definitely can't work now! Sigh... I won't find out for another 30 days or more what his decision will be. I did have an attorney which helped (although, he didn't do a whole heck of a lot), we'll see.

Well, time to go check MySpazz... see everyone later!
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