Apr 11, 2006 21:20
I took my Mom's little dog to be put to sleep today. I didn't have a real affection or connection with her, but, she was a little cutie. Unfortunately, my Mom couldn't stand her, but, that isn't why she was put to sleep. She was, after all, my Dad's dog, really. My Dad is bedridden and dying... he shrinks every day... It was getting really hard for my Mom to not only take care of him, but, a dog that had allergies and skin problems - chronic skin problems. Plus, she would run away from my Mom when it was time to put her out and my Mom will be 70 on Saturday and what with my Dad and all, it was just too much.
We took her to my Vet's to see what they had to say about the condition. Basically, they agreed with Mom's Vet that the condition was incurable, although controllable. Mom tried to control it for over 7 years and it would be okay for awhile and then, bam, bad again... medicines, food changes, holistic approaches, nothing worked. So, little Ditto went over the Rainbow Bridge. I told her, before she left, to say hello to my doggies, Flame and Storm and Zar and Lasher... play, play, play like there is no hurt or sorrow...
I really love dogs....